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This map set is part of the Hideouts & Lairs series.


A small town at the foot of the Epicouatl mountains has a severe missing persons problem. In the last few months almost a quarter of their population has disappeared. The first to go missing were a halfling pair who liked to explore the maze-like cave system that winds its way through the mountains. The search party that was sent after them also disappeared. Then almost every night it seemed someone else had vanished. There were reports of the missing persons being seen after dark, skulking around the shadows, but come morning they were nowhere to be seen again and someone else had gone.

The mayor has put up a large bounty to find out what is happening to those who have disappeared, bring them back if possible, and to ensure it stops happening before the entire town is empty.

Patreon Downloads

Use the ZIP folder at the bottom of this post to download the free versions of these battlemaps for use in your TTRPG campaign. If you would like access to the high resolution, un-watermarked and gridless variants of this and other maps along with extra rewards, and would like to support me, check out my paid Patreon tiers!

Traveller Tier Patrons can access the High Resolution Print and VTT Day, Night & Gridless variants of this map HERE 

Higher Tier Patrons can also get the Complete Variant set including Day, Night, Humanoid, & Clean variants HERE 

Grid Information

  • GRID SIZE 34x22
  • PIXEL SIZE – 4760x3080 (140DPI)



Paul Sturr

The map looks great! Definitely gonna fit into a lot of campaigns. I am a bit confused though. How do traverse through the different levels? Are there ladders or mind flayer technology?


I was thinking the same thing... I couldn't figure that out.