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Didn't feel like doing full linework, since this is kinda concept art? Sofia's family!

From left to right (front): Sofia Laurent, Lenora Starswallow, Mellindre Starswallow, Talisen Starswallow, Kael'dar Starswallow

Back: Orinthel Starswallow


Some info-dumping below, warnings for mentions of child abuse and neglect:

Sofia's family situation is somewhat... complicated. Her elven mother, Mellindre Starswallow, had an affair with her human father, who was a household servant at the time. When Sofia was born and it was clear she wasn't the child of Mellindre's husband, Sofia was given to her human father and sent away.

Mellindre and her husband separated afterward, and it took several years before Sofia and her mother were reunited (one-shot here - warnings for bullying), but by that time, the Starswallows were in a very different situation - Mellindre had remarried, and with her new husband, Orinthel, came his own son, Kael'dar.

Sofia had hoped for a happy life with her mother, but she was instead thrust into a terrible new situation: where once she was too elven for humans, now she was too human for the elves, and her growing aptitude for magic was rubbing against Orinthel's ambitions for himself and his son - not to mention the mutations Sofia began to manifest from her continued exposure to the raw magic contained within the heart of their world, a place she sought refuge. 

The situation for Sofia turned even more dangerous as she and Kael'dar competed with one another - Kael'dar for his father's approval and Sofia for her own desire to escape her situation. Orinthel took his rage out on Sofia often, and grew more and more frustrated with her as time went on, even more so when his children by Mellindre, Lenora and Talisen, were born.

Sofia eventually escaped her family, joining the Kirin Tor/K&N-equivalent and becoming a arcane instructor. She took on her human father's surname, Laurent, and cut the Starswallows from her life. 

Orinthel dies, never achieving his goals of social ascension. Mellindre spends her days using what little power she has, and Lenora married the love of her life and spends her days with her wife. Talisen, having idolized a corrupt leader, follows him to his grave, and Kael'dar has taken the Starswallow name in an effort to succeed his father, though with a far more tempered ambition.

I've been doing my best to tear this story out of WoW and put it into the Knights and Necromancy universe, and that might take some time, and some of this is subject to change.



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