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At long last I upload new models. Like I planned to do a long time ago, these are several "presets" I suppose you could say, of my base "Latina" model, which forms the basis for most of the human/humanoid female characters I use. I'm sure you recognize some of the faces.

Where do I even begin with these... Since the "Latina" is just one file, she has an IMMENSE amount of customization, hairstyles, shapekeys, textures, accessories. I figured people might not wanna have to deal with all that. So what I've done is condense everything down into a few 'preset' files. 3 separate characters (With more to come eventually.)

Now, each of these characters still has an incredible amount of customization, many hairstyles, shapekeys, etc. So you could make each of these characters into the other, or into your own character entirely. but if you don't want to, you can use them as they are

Each character has many bone groups to declutter the rig, and the rig now has an IK/FK switch bone so you can switch between IK and FK for the legs. (Makes kicking legs easier...)

Models are all designed for Eevee, so you'll have issues if you use them in Cycles. You'll have to adjust all the subsurface values down to like. .0003 I believe. After that they should work.

I've included a video demonstration/trailer/tutorial in the folder where the models are (This folder https://mega.nz/folder/lsVVXA5T#PUCOreNYV6JVWEbijHrHHw) So I recommend you watch it, lots of useful information in there. And as usual, feel free to message me with any questions.

As always, you're free to use them in your own projects as long as you give credit.

And, enjoy.




I fw tiffany so much holy. hope she be eating ppl and things of that nature