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The life of a Kierrn is a very lonely one. 

They cannot tolerate one another for very long before their bestial natures come out and they almost instinctively begin fighting. Even if the two Kierrn are best of friends, or care for another very much, fights will inevitably break out, and they must leave each other's company before they kill one another. Kierrn of the opposite sex are easier to be around, but only because males instinctively submit to females. Such partnerships rarely last longer than a few months, as eventually their tolerance for one another breaks down. Females, even lesbian females, are especially aggressive with one another, and cannot tolerate each other for more than a few moments. The only exceptions to this are mated pairs, which are very rare.

Thus packs do not happen in the Kierrn world, and neither do communities, save for in Haven, which is the only werewolf community in existence.

Kierrn also cannot form attachments to humans due to the danger they present their human friends. Those that do not care for humans other than as lackeys or playthings tend to do better than those who look for friends, family, or mates. Falling in love is out of the question, as humans cannot know about the Kierrn, and would only dissolve into madness if they were shown. Plus a human mate would always be considered food to the beast inside.

Most Kierrn are solitary, lonely creatures. Only those who embrace this solitary life can survive. Others will end their own lives to escape the despair of their existence.

This is the torturous nature of their curse, the wolves in them drawn to their own kind, yet they must always be utterly alone.



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