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Watch or download using Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/omz0glryh9avvg5ywx0r8/Suga-Never-Mind-at-Hwa-Yang-Yeon-Hwa-On-Stage.mp4?rlkey=2ybf3cdueuiot5kgtv6ze6ndh&dl=0

Watch or download using GDrive https://drive.google.com/file/d/10B36SFU3sW4ejLcyY7iktmP9OA5GB_ZO/view?usp=sharing




Jimin has a big 'Nevermind' tattoo on his chest! Suga's songs always have a significant impact on people in a certain way, but it seems this song really resonated wjth Jimin


'The Last' , which was the last song of this concert is the very first song in which he candidly wrote about his feelings. It's arguably one of the most intense, dark, and emotional songs besides 'Amygdala' and 'First Love', because he reveals many things he’d been hiding. He confesses his long battle with depression and dark thoughts, and stories that he’d been kept to himself. This song also marks the first time he disclosed his shoulder injury, which even the members didn’t know until they heard the song. Because these stories and emotions were expressed to the world for the first time, the song is very dark and raw, and you can really feel his emotions conveyed through his voice. There's even a part hinting at his past suicide attempt, but he beeped out this sentence so we never 100% know for sure about this experience. However, after releasing this song, people around him have said that Suga has become much brighter and cheerful than ever before. This song became the first time he was able to release the emotions he had kept bottled up inside, and it also marked the beginning of his journey to continue freely expressing himself through his songs, so it’s a very meaningful song for him and for us He finished every concert with this song, ‘The Last’ and poured out his heart while performing this song. True to the spirit of all his music, the latter part of the song shifts towards positive and overcoming despair, and there’s a part where he shouts "My fans, hold your head up proudly. Who else would do as much as l do" But in the concert, the fans changed this lyric and shout back, "Who else would do as much as you" to Yoongi, which was my favorite moment of this song performance and the whole song is just special and beautiful. Also, something you might find interesting is that there was a very special ending exclusively at the last concert. After performing the final song, he took a moment to thank the audience, waving and greeting them for a few minutes. After this short but sweet farewell, he opened a door in 'Amygdala' that he couldn't open in the music video, turned around and gave us a bright smile and exited through the door, concluding the concert. He seemed very relieved and happy, and it was the most meaningful and beautiful concert ending I've ever seen