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Hi everyone-

So I have decided that the entire series of "Wasteland-SALIATOS-Barber-New thing-Cone Layer" will now be titled "The Blindfold"

And what was formerly "SALIATOS season 2" will now be titled:

"Take Off the Blindfold

Adjust Your Eyes

Look in the Mirror

See the Face of Your Mother"

Bit of a complicated unmarketable poem name, but it's fitting for such a complicated/unmarketable/poetic thing I think LOL... An issue I was having was that the series was very hostile to new viewers of my work, so I think, instead of trying to deny that, I'm going to embrace the complication, and allow what this project is to reveal itself to the furthest extent it can go

After episode 6, I will be treating the remaining episodes as a whole rather than individual pieces. So, I will be combining all the scripts I wrote, reorganizing them, and making them more singular rather than chopped into pieces. 

Besides fixing the music/sound in the earlier installments, I think I will also be going back and adding more scenes earlier on. Again, the idea is that I am turning what was originally episodic installments into a singular film.

More to come




What I've seen so far of this new series-turned-movie has been fantastic, looking forward to the end result!


im so excited omg