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Hi everyone!!...

I just started school at SAIC getting my MFA in the Film/video/new media/animation department. I'm really excited- My classmates are awesome and the program is exactly what I want and need right now. My film goals while in school are to finish The Cone Layer, "Untitled Movie" (the feature I'm making with Harrison and Parker), and another big live action project next year, as well as a lot of other smaller live action projects. I'm also trying to challenge myself as much as possible in other ways, and try new forms of art making and thinking as much as possible.

On September 15th, I start the process of writing The Cone Layer with Victoria Vincent, Kelly Ficarra and Jennifer Nie. We're going to be having meetings every two weeks through January fleshing everything out. The goal is to have the animatic finished by the end of my second semester, but it will probably be well underway by the end of this semester. The process will be somewhat similar to how I wrote Ascensia with Jenna Caravello and In Heo.

Episode 6 is mostly animated, I'll have it done pretty soon. Episode 7 8 and 9 are all well underway. Episode 10 is half-finished. I think writing The Cone Layer in tandem with finishing these episodes is going to be really amazing. Ep6 is another really crazy one (in vein of the last 2), episodes 7-9 are more emotional, episode 10 is a bit of a combination of the high-stakes maniacal plotting and the complex emotions. I think episodes 8 9 and 10 is some of my best work. Really excited for you all to see them.

Ep 6 - "Meeting of the Minds" 

Ep 7 - "Jared"

Ep 8 - "Have We Met Before?"

Ep 9 - "The Lemmings Siblings" 

Ep 10 - "Barber Listens to Another Story"

Again thank you for your continued support as I go into this really crazy part of my career. Things are about to take off in a really interesting way.



ellie qubrick

Awesome. Such a fantastic behind the scenes look as always. This Patreon is so dope and such a great value. Really looking forward to untitled movie!

Nora Mitty

Good luck with it all! So many cool good projects. Really exciting =] I love seeing the crossover stuff too. Think about these characters so much. Ooh like I had a dream where we like see Janis again but she’s really different? Like as an epilogue for the character where she’s like deeply affected by ending of Ascensia and she’s just become like this super attentive softspoken person 💜 I guess I’m just saying it’s so cool to be seeing new things, old things, tie ins, call backs, the writing is so good and the execution is always so inventive & fresh & good. Yay!