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Hi everyone.. It's 2023 time.. 

Thanks for all the support this year, it's been a tremendous help getting me through everything. Seriously I would be homeless if not for patreon, so I'm eternally grateful for everyone who's pledged over the years. I'm really thankful you all have made it possible for me to make all this crazy stuff and I'm excited to keep working on it.

Sorry for the delay on episode 3. I've been dealing w some stuff and being pulled around in a bunch of different directions, and then I got informed that my rent is being raised to a point where I can't afford to live at my apartment anymore, so I have to figure out what I'm doing now. Lol.. I'll b ok though, I was planning on moving to Chicago this year, I just didnt think it would be so soon? I applied to grad school there so I was gonna wait to hear back in March before I decided. So I dunno, figuring that all out. If you wanna help out more I am selling stuff from Ascensia and Goodbye Forever Party on Ebay: https://www.ebay.com/usr/jophil-9779?_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559 (w more listings coming soon)

Again thank you all for your support as I get through this bizarro time.. Very appreciated!!

Here's a new years playlist for all of u.... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwwahyZ9d7WUbZ3eQ0Cd0mlX9ptz9P7n7 

More updates to come shortly.. Episode 3 will be posted ASAP

2023 will be "swagilicious"- I have decreed it! 



jenny patron

these playlists have been Amazing, thank u so much for making them <3 so much great stuff i never would have found otherwise!!!