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Hello Large and simply Gigantic babies,

Thank you all so much for your support and extreme patience as I gave birth 

I can't believe that I'm here. It's been such a crazy journey. Thank you all so much. I'll talk about what this movie and the experience making it means to me at a later date. 

This is the "Patreon cut", but there will not be much different from your viewing experience. Any changes I make from here on out will be minimal, just tweaking little problems and whatever. This is also how I did Ascensia back in 2019, put up a version that needed tweaks on Patreon and then finalized it before it went public. Kind of like a collectors edition? Smirk emoji?

Also, if your name isn't in the credits for the Patreon supporters, and it should be, please let me know so I can remedy that. I tried to include everyone who's lifetime pledge was over 10 dollars, and it's ranked in order from highest to lowest lifetime pledge. I tried to include everyone, but I might have missed some people. If you care, let me know and I'll fix it. 

My awesome friends who contributed their talents to this hunk of an mp4:

Music by Dylan Kanner 

Guest animators: Benni Quintero, Chris Kim, Emily Martinez, Frankie Tamaru, Ian Worthington, Kelly Ficarra, Mel Murakawa-White, Victoria Vincent, Yasmeen Abedifard (and Jake Ryan)

Dacia paintings by Tyrell Solomon 

Additional animation: Maddie Brewer, Franky Wish, Benni Quintero, Sidney Gale 

Animation assistant: Sidney Gale

Editing assistant: Jake Ryan

Additional character designs: Zaria Bohanon  

Voices: Chris Kim as Barber, Lindsey DeMars as Margaret, Sam Lane as Lordland Candlestick, Zaria Bohanon as Silver Lemmings, Felix Colgrave as Gerard, Ian Worthington as Bene, Frances Woodard as Jared, Victoria Vincent as Templeton & Bambino, Benni Quintero as the NASA guys, Frankie Tamaru as Peter Westchester, Zach Dorn as Mailman Westchester, Grace Milk as Dentist Westchester, Tommy Takezawa as Liverspot, Parker Davis as Winston, Max Wilde as Bev, with additional voices by me, Maddie Brewer, Sanjna Bharadwaj, Ratstrid Vermington, and Dave MH 

Parrot sounds from the Florida Museum of Natural History's bird sound archive

Obviously would love to hear what you all think. If you watch it please say so! Comment down below :)

Will update you all with more news soon, like doing streams for this or whatever. But I need to go rest. LOL

Peace and love! 




Daniela Gómez

wowow voy a comentar esto en español porque mi inglés no es tan bueno para describir cómo me siento. JONNI ESTO ES LO MAS HERMOSO QUE HE VISTO EN MI VIDA, desde un inicio sabía que esto me iba arruinar emocionalmente pero no esperaba que tanto, la manera en que representas y narras las experiencias y emociones de tus personajes es magnífica, y hablando de tus personajes TODOS ELLOS SE SIENTEN TAN REALES QUE ME HACEN LLORAR. No puedo describir las ansias que tenía para ver la película y lo mucho que la he amado, tengo muchos sentimientos encontrados pero quiero decirte que todos tus trabajos son espectaculares y que cada uno llega a ser mejor que el anterior. Estoy muy feliz por tus logros y no puedo esperar a ver tu siguiente proyecto :D TE AMO JONNI <3


Finally got around to watching this. I liked it. Found it interesting that you decided to be much more introspective and internal-focused than with SaLiaToS, but maybe that just naturally comes with the difference in format.