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Hello Large Babies! 

I am writing to you from inside of my work pit. Hello! 

Since the beginning of May I've been animating Barber full-time, and it's going pretty well. My goal is to get 5-6 minutes of character animation done a week, and I've been hitting the mark every time so far. So far I've gotten through 4 "chunks", which is how I've divided up the movie. I work best when I can be working on a bunch of different shots at the same time, and go wherever my instincts take me, so I set it up so that I have these 5-6 minute chunks of the movie to work on every week. It sounds like a lot but I'm actually doing very well right now, I'm essentially just working a normal work week, 9-5 on weekdays, and then I force myself to stop working at 5 and then I watch movies or read books or whatever. So I'm getting a lot done without feeling much burnout, at least yet. But I think the system I have is pretty sustainable for myself.

From June until the end of August I'll be doing that system, and then I have 2 weeks of finishing any shots leftover, and then 2 weeks of backgrounds, and 2 weeks of color and compositing, and then I'll finish the sound editing and stuff. So it looks like the movie will be completed in October or November. If all goes well I could probably show it to you guys at the beginning of November. I'm not sure what I'm going to do in regards to public upload yet, I don't feel super compelled to do festivals right now and since I'm finishing the film after most festival deadlines are over, it doesn't really appeal to me to wait another full year to upload it publicly. Still need to figure out what to do in regards to all of that, but I'll figure it out when I get there

I might have some cool other unrelated stuff to show you guys soon, but I don't know!! My friends and I have been working on a pilot animatic for The Peninsula Siblings on the side since March, and it's turning out awesome. Some other stuff too maybe. We will see...

Next $5+ livestream will be SATURDAY JUNE 26 AT 1PM PST. I will try to drink as much coffee as possible beforehand. 

If you are on any of the drawing request tiers, I made a post last month about how to go about getting those- since my schedule is crazy right now, I can't get to them at the moment, but since they are accumulative, there's a little system in place for it, which you can find at the post I just mentioned. For anyone who did the care package tier, same thing applies, it is accumulative for how many months you did it, and I have it on record, and I will get to it as soon as I can get the time to.

I'm not sure what else to say. I feel like I'm forgetting something but maybe I'm not. So I will just end this post here. Thank you all for your continued generosity!!! 



5 minutes of animation per week?! Tell me your magic magic jonni