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Young ladies have an innocent cuteness about them, that age and experience will wash away forever.
I hope Anna will have some left for our second shooting...

In the mean time I'm trying to schedule a shooting with a new model, another young one, just 19 YO.
But it is difficult to make plans with such young ladies, it is like their brains are not yet fully connected with the world of business...
But my work is about reporting the blossoming beauty of these girls, and not worry about their professional approach to life.
You can't have candour and professionalism at the same time, that's for damn sure!

About today's photo, please let me point out how the piercing on the right nipple of Anna is adding a point of light on the dark side of her developing body.

If you want to learn more about the Bramley Apple Project, or Archives, or DA subscriptions, ask me on bramleyapple@yahoo.com




Let’s hope you can get another shoot with Anna 😍


What a wonderful photo this is. A full range of illumination of her beautiful skin, from bright light to deep shadow. Add to that, the gentle gaze of her lovely eyes... ❤️ (for Anna) 👏👏👏 (for you)