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lol sorry for the dramatic title but I saw some of yall were confused why I would think the timelines were off. Maybe it was a bad edit, or they intended to have scenes placed elsewhere but here are images from the episode. First, the guy had on the black coat in the night scene, then the next scene he had on the Lab coat as if they had JUST escaped and he switched into the black coat there in that same scene. So it confused the hell outta me as to what was happening



Samke Dladla

No you were right, the story telling in that part was anachronous. I think people hear the word timeline and think you mean jumps in years.

Url Robbo

its just a error wouldnt think too deep into this


He could've just used the black coat at night to keep warm and the lab coat during the day to keep cool and then had to ditch the lab coat because it draws too much attention to him.


I thought it was all chronological


Pretty sure it’s chronological order so everything happens relatively at the same time it’s not like super big jumps but more of moments passing. For example with Maximus and Big poppa, they arrived right after Oppenheimer left. So it wasn’t like a day passed or it’s different years it’s just happening all relatively at the same time


Roshi doesn’t understand that the man may have just decided to wear a different jacket.

Sofia & Chill

We'll keep an eye on this one .. but I think Roshi 's head is too filled with Anime logic, people can wear different outfits in shows xD