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Hi everyone, I hope you all have been enjoying your April! I'm not sure how things will shake out yet, but I'm going out of the country for a wedding next month right around this time, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to squeeze a Q&A then--so if you have questions, now is the time to send them!

The ask window for this Q&A will be open for 24 hours, so make sure to get your questions in before the deadline, which will be Tuesday, April 16th, 12 PM MST. I will not save or answer any questions sent after the deadline!

If you are new or need instructions, read on. If not, leave your questions here in the comments of this post, or through the Tumblr askbox!


The author Q&A is a space where you can ask pretty much any question and I will give answers as best I can! NSFW, spoilers, and everything else are totally on the table! However, I try to be somewhat vague about totally game-breaking spoilers, though I still usually answer them!*

If you want to send in a question, either comment below or ask through the ShoH Tumblr mailbox (usually if you want to remain anonymous). If you do ask on Tumblr, please type #tellmeeverything in your question. If you don't do this, I won't know that you're asking for the Q&A, so your question will not be answered if you don't include that tag!

I will answer around 10-15 questions sent in before the deadline, and save any others for future reference if I receive them before the window closes.

(*I also reserve the right not to answer questions that I deem inappropriate--like weird personal questions, not necessarily NSFW--or those which make me uncomfortable, but it's a pretty common sense process; I've never really had to do this!)

Finally, if you haven't already, I highly recommend reading through previous Q&As or frequently-asked questions to make sure that your question hasn't been answered somewhere else already!

If all that makes sense, ask on! And I hope you're having a great start to your week!



Is it widely known that the endarkened returned all at once on a specific day or do people think they kinda gradually started showing up. And if it's known that they suddenly popped up, is that day marked as something special? Do people go like 'Oh next tuesday is darkday. There'll be no happy vibes then.'

Kar Rev

I know that there were bits about it while meeting Caine's friend who got kidnapped by the Equalists, but it picqued my interest and I need to know - how exactly does Healer Mages's "mind therapy" work for, say, a Shepherd officer who was tortured and is having hard times adjusting to life after that? How would it differ from our world's therapy? What are the limits of this kind of magic? Also, would the Order cover such an expense for a mentally injured/traumatized Shepherd? Generally, how aware of the importance of mental health are the Shepherds and people in Blest? Is there some understanding that mental wounds need to be healed along with the physical ones or is it that people are told to toughen up and walk off anything from trauma to PTSD? For people who would be uncomfortable working on their trauma with a Healer Mage - are there Norm psychologists/therapists or is it still too soon in your world for them? Sorry, there are so many questions, feel free to skip or pick and choose, it's just such a fascinating topic and I'm so curious.