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Ahoy folks!

Well, here we go - I hope you enjoy this month's requests! I'd say more, but thanks to my inability to learn to keep a good sleep schedule and some unfortunately timed phone calls, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to get some sleep.



Request: X-Men '97: Jean Grey has been cloned! And both claim to be the  original and are in love with Scott. There's only one thing each can think to do with the other, of course: turn them into a slutty submissive fucktoy for her husband to enjoy (with her as the toy's mistress, obviously).


Things had been rough at the X mansion for a while. The loss of Professor Xavier, the seemingly endless war against hate and fear, the arrival of Magneto and all the complications he brought with him… It had been a lot to deal with. But all of it paled to the problem in front of them now.

Specifically, in front of two of them, right now.

Because Jean Grey… Was staring at Jean Grey. And Jean Grey was staring right back.

The two of them had been circling one another – metaphorically, mostly, but occasionally literally – ever since one of the Jeans had stumbled into the mansion, just as the other had been about to leave it. It had been very awkward.

These kinds of things happened to the X men on occasion. None of their lives had ever been what anyone would call simple. Something about the ability to shoot lasers from your eyes or fireworks from your hands or control the primal forces of the weather itself… Made you something of a target for very misguided people who did this sort of plot on the regular. No one liked it,  but you got used to it, to a degree.

The real issue cropped up when none of Beast’s tests revealed which Jean was the real one. They were identical, down to the last cell. There was simply no difference to spot. Their minds were more or less the same too, give or take a few experiences!

That one should probably have clued a few people in to what was about to happen – but alas, none of them were mind readers.

That was Jean’s thing.

Both of her.

You see, Jean Grey was a fairly consistent woman. She had a few core principles that, more or less, always remained true. She was a kind woman – unless pushed. She was respectful of the minds she read – unless pushed. And, to the lament of many a man, she was in love with Scott Summers.

Anything that got in the way of that last one? She considered that pushing, by the by. People were lucky to get off with a warning if they tried. Another woman making the moves on her man? And continuing to do so even after being told to back off? No, no, that was not okay. That was not okay at all.

The fact that the other woman was herself didn’t matter nearly as much as you would have thought.

So, no – neither of the Jeans liked each other. And though both of them kept a serene and calming face on at all times, they never took their focus away from one another. Even as the other X men slowly gave up finding any differences between them, and for the most part just got used to the team having two Jeans now, their patience continued to fray.

Until, at the exact same moment, both women snapped.

In retrospect, Scott probably shouldn’t have let himself absently think that he didn’t really mind having two wives. It was a pretty bad slip on his part.

‘Okay,’ they both thought deep in the privacy of their own minds, where they thought no one else would ever hear them. ‘If that’s how it’s going to be, then so be it. If Scott wants me and the other Jean, he can have her! Just as soon as she knows exactly who’s boss around here.’

Look, she’d been through a lot, okay? Both of her! So maybe it was a bit of a manic plan, but turning her doppelganger into a submissive sextoy just seemed perfectly reasonable to her! Just a bit of mind-slavery between selves, what was the harm? Haha. Ha.

After all, no one would ever know as long as they did it subtly. One Jean would just retire from missions for a bit, and spend a little time keeping Scott’s bed warm. If anything more was needed, well, a little direct mental manipulation would sort out whatever the problem was. It was, obviously, the perfect plan.

If only the other Jean hadn’t thought of it at the exact same time.

Alas, neither of them detected that little flaw, and thus they both moved with the same instinct – to get themselves an alibi so that, if anyone did notice what had happened, no one could pin it on them. Jean 1 (who we will designate randomly) had been upstairs when she overheard Scott’s daydream, so she moved over to the sink and started doing the dishes. Jean A, who had been downstairs, stepped over to the library bookshelves and began organising the disarrayed texts. Both tasks that their bodies could handle on auto pilot – and both tasks they could do in full view of the mansion’s security cameras.

Then, now confident that they were covered, they turned their minds to the mental plane – and attacked!

You can probably see the main issue here. Both women knew that their opponent was a powerful psychic, one every bit the equal of themselves. If it became an actual mental battle between the two, then the experience could last for hours, maybe even days, and drain them both to the last drop of will that they had. Thus, their best bet to win was to commit to an all out sneak attack, investing every scrap of their pure psychic totality into that first strike.

Yes. They both went all out on the offense, and abandoned all defence. Which meant that the moment those psychic attacks hit…

Jean 1 froze in place, eyes widening just a touch, the dish in her hands shattering.

Jean A froze in place, eyes widening just a touch, the books in her hand tumbling to the floor.

… Both of them were overwhelmed instantly. After all, both attacks had been launched with the expectation that they’d have to overcome a veritable fortress of mental defences, instead of the relative open barn that they found at their destination.

For the sake of efficiency, both Jean 1 and Jean A will be referred to as simply ‘Jean’ for this – you can picture either in her place, since the encounter went pretty much identically.

So, in both Jean’s heads, the same scene unfolded, their mindscape captured and sculpted. To both women’s horror, they both recognised the landscape that their consciousness suddenly found themselves hauled into – a blank white room, filled with the towering figure of Jean Grey, dressed in her black and yellow X man suit and crackling with power.

“Alright, bitch,” the mental projection growled, the inner fury of a woman scorned (by herself) banishing all traces of her normally kind and patient demeanour. “You want to fuck my husband? Then that’s all you’re ever going to do!”

Glowing chains of red energy shot out of the apparition’s hands, whipping around Jean’s arms and legs, before finally sealing around her neck in the shape of a leather collar. The stunned redhead was yanked down to her knees, her clothes practically exploding off of her as her mental self-perception was stripped, leaving her completely nude.

“W-wait-!” She tried to plead, because she knew what was coming next. Maybe if she could stall, she could recover her psychic protections and-

“I’ve waited long enough!” Alas, the embodiment of Jean’s jealousy wasn’t going to be stopped so easily. Her hands slammed down around her double’s ears, her eyes blazing with power. “And now, I’m doing this my way!”

Jean tried to resist – of course she did. She was all too well aware of exactly what was about to happen. But she could no more push back against her own psychic power than a non-mutant ice cube could push back the sun. She could feel it flowing into her, rushing in through her mental self’s ears and melding with her mind directly. She could feel it trying to change her, to mould her, to reshape her very self…

… And she could feel herself giving in.

It was impossible to do anything else. The other Jean, the incarnation of her own rage and hubris (and maybe a touch of phoenix power) knew all of the buttons to press, knew how to open every lock. She was an open book to her, to be rewritten at her whim. And my, was her red pen ready for some corrections.

New rules, new truths, wrote themselves over the soft, malleable substance of her soul, engraved themselves into the deepest levels of her essence.

The other Jean Grey is the real Jean Grey.

An obvious start. And this was the one that she tried to resist the hardest – though in truth, it was also the one that she came to terms with the fastest. For though both women protested that they were, without a doubt, 100% the real deal… Both of them had privately questioned whether or not they might be the clone.

It was one of those quiet questions that could keep a woman up at night, and both of them had fretted on it. So, in the end, this new truth was easy to accept – they’d already feared it was true, and that laid the path for them to understand that it was.

In many ways, it was a relief. Neither Jean had enjoyed the tension over something so integral to their own identity. There was a certain release in acknowledging her falseness, a small pleasure in no longer having to care about the whole thing.

The next truth would be a little harder to swallow.

I am nothing but a slutty, subby sex toy

This rule slammed into her mind like an attack from Apocalypse. It was a refutation of her inner self, of everything she’d ever tried to be. While, yes, she was all too willing to experiment with the man she loved, outside of that she was a strong and independent woman. Far more than eye candy, she was one of, if not the, strongest psychics on the planet!

Or she had been, before her other self had gotten hold of her.

But now her will to resist crumbled. And the reason was simple - she was uncertain. If the other Jean was the real one, then who was she? Her sudden lack of a core identity was every bit the undoing you’d expect. Hesitance and confusion at just the wrong moment, as a new kind of ‘self’ was presented for her to latch on to.

Thoughts of sex and servitude filled her dazzled mind. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of imaginary scenarios filled her thoughts, placing her in countless positions, accepting and providing pleasure to her equally imaginary husband. Mind melting ecstasy blasted through her thoughts, boiling everything unnecessary – her responsibilities, her duties as an X man, her concern for anyone who wasn’t Scott - away, and sealing the rest – her submissiveness, her seductiveness, and the empathic ability to be the best goddamn sex slave in the galaxy - in for good.

And in every scenario, in every position, in every world, she still felt the collar around her neck, and the chain that led to its owner. She felt the presence of the next truth before it made itself known.

The Real Jean Grey is my Mistress, I must obey her in all things.

It sank in rather easily now. Resistance was a thing of the past, a blissful, sultry smile spreading across Jean’s face as her identity was rewritten. Of course the Real Jean was her Mistress. That just made sense. She was just a slutty, subby sex toy, after all – she had to listen to her better self!

And that smile stayed, even as her psionic attacker’s hands dropped away from her mental-self’s head.

“Much better,” the projection said with a grin, already starting to vanish, her purpose spent. “You know what to do now, don’t you slut?”

“Yes Mistress…” Jean sighed, as the white room faded away…

… And she found herself standing in front of an overflowing sink.

… And she found herself standing in front of a pile of discarded books.

There was a moment’s pause as their new minds realigned themselves, acclimating back to the physical world and reality in general. Then, as one, the two turned from their tasks, and all but bolted across the mansion towards one another, ignoring everything and anything that got in their way.

They met, by happy chance, in their bedroom – and by met, I mean jumped at each other, wrapping themselves around one another in a passionate embrace and a desperate kiss. The two were like a pair of lovers who had been separated for months, passions now reignited in an instant by the other’s mere presence.

Then the two fell into bed together, shredding their own outfits with telekinesis as they went, and… Well, let’s just say they conducted an extensive study into an age old philosophical query about what ‘counts’ as masturbation…

Times were still a bit rough after that – but not nearly as much as they had been before. Now, the problems mostly consisted of both Jeans adoringly waiting for the other to give her an order  - or, if one of them said anything that could be construed as an order, the other would crush heaven and hell together to see it done.

A little scary, for the most powerful psychic in the world, really.

Still, over all, it was a big improvement over the gathering tension storm that had been building. Now everything was, by comparison, sunshine and rainbows. The team had doubled its psychic membership now, after all – even if the two of them could get a little bit handsy with one another if left alone for too long…

And what do you know? As Scott Summers retired for the evening, two beautiful, adoring women who were more than willing to do anything he asked nestled at his sides, he had to admit – he really didn’t mind having two wives at all.


Request: Persona : While looking into rumours of a strange casino, Mitsuru Kirijo is exposed to the Bunrot of the Shadow Waitresses within. She soon joins them as another enticing, shadowy, and masked member of the staff.


“So this is the place…” Mitsuru frowned, walking down the aisles of slot machines and gambling tables. “The mysterious Phantom Casino…”

It was everything that the rumours had promised. Glitz and glamour as far as the eye could see. Bright lights, glittering gold, neon signs and the ever present jubilant hum of cheering gamblers. The place was larger than life and ten times as rich. In many ways, it was the casino people dreamed about.

Which was very much the issue that she was here to investigate.

There were lots of words that could be used to describe the Kirijo heiress. Beautiful, stern, arrogant, for those who only knew her from afar. Sweet, caring, oblivious, to those who knew her from very close up. Ruthless, efficient, sharp, to those who knew her in a business sense. Terrifying, for those who’d ever earned her ire. Yes, there were many, many words…

But absolutely no one could dispute ‘Workaholic’.

She couldn’t really help it. Mitsuru was, despite the temptations of her class and wealth, a diligent and dutiful girl at heart. She desired a better world, one where humanity was safe and prosperous, and where it wasn’t under threat from the vile machinations of her family or her company.

Admittedly, that last part was a pretty big problem. The Kirijo line had its fingers in a lot of very evil pies. Shadow experiments and hidden monstrosities littered the globe – you’d be surprised how many ways there were of hiding an extra hour to the clock, or shoving an alternate world into a TV screen or a book or a painting or, in one memorable case, a puppet show.

And Mitsuru, of course, always insisted on investigating each new appearance personally. Oh, she didn’t handle everything – over the years she’d gathered an extensive network of capable persona-users and allies that were more than capable of assessing new threats and dealing with them… But she made sure to stay involved. She always needed to be informed of how the realm of shadows was interacting with the real world. You stopped more apocalypses that way.

Thus, she was one of the first sets of boots on the ground when there was finally a break in the ‘Phantom Thief’ case in Tokyo. Naturally, it had been long suspected in the company that there was some connection between the wave of mental shutdowns that had swept through the city, but said connection had remained elusive. The shadow world being used this time was different, and it took some time to find a way into it – long enough that, by the time Kirijo managed to infiltrate ‘Mementos’, the actual threat had been dealt with.

But the other world was still there – and it needed to be assessed. If there was a way to stop this kind of threat from emerging again, it would be Kirijo that made sure of it. That was their duty, and their legacy. They couldn’t let themselves fall behind again.

So when rumours began to pop up in Tokyo of a mysterious ‘Phantom Casino’ – a realm where the slots spun without end, and gold coins flowed like a river, all staffed by mysterious, shadowy beings in strange, blank faced masks…

The signs were all there. People would report finding strange, glowing doors that hadn’t been there the day before, that led to this fantastical gambler’s paradise. Some would come back far richer than they’d entered, some would come back a little poorer…

… And some wouldn’t come back at all – at least, according to the sudden spike in disappearances in the city.

Well, naturally, she’d led the investigation herself. It could have just been a rumour, sure – but if it was anything shadow related, then she needed to know, and she needed to put a stop to it. Especially if these missing person reports were really related to it.

But it was difficult to locate the source of the rumours – they seemed to be spreading from every corner of the city. Different people from different walks of life all talked about finding the place – and most happily rambled about what a good time they’d had, and how they looked forward to visiting again if they ever saw the chance.

There was no apparent commonality, no link between the cases… It was like chasing after the truth behind a ghost story. Every trail led nowhere, every clue was a dead end. It was frustratingly ridiculous – even moreso because the longer the investigation ran, the clearer it was that there was something behind these rumours. There were too many separate sightings to dismiss the Phantom Casino as a hoax. But despite that, Mitsuru and her team just couldn’t find anything.

Until one night, when the exhausted heiress returned to her apartment in the city after another exhausting day chasing down pointless leads. Just as she had every night, she sorted her business affairs, ate a light supper, dismissed her maids, and then headed to bed…

And there it was. A glowing door, just like every witness had reported. It looked as though it was made of gold, but that ethereal light that spilled out from it said it was far more. It was simply there, at the end of the hallway leading to her bedroom.

“…” Now, Mitsuru was no fool. She knew a trap when she saw one. This was as blatant a taunt as one could get, extending an invitation to her, and her alone. The rest of her team was no doubt still investigating, looking for a way to crack this case… And here it was, handed straight to her. Whoever was behind this wanted her, and her alone.

Doubtless, the door would vanish if she called for backup, but even just this much would be enough for them to get a reading or two, and to really start to crack down on where these portals came from. It might even be the break they needed to solve this case once and for all. It would be the sensible call.


“Very well.” The redhead pulled her fur coat back on, checking her rapier was still at her side. “I don’t normally take appointments without my secretary’s say so, but I’ll make an exception in your case.”

However, as noted, Mitsuru saw any kind of shadow related activity as her own personal responsibility. And if she had the chance to confront it herself – she was going to take it. That was just the kind of person she was.

It couldn’t be that dangerous, though – she was possibly the most experienced shadow operative on the planet, short of maybe Aegis and Labrys. She was confident she could handle anything this casino could throw at her.

Thus, she walked up, and stepped through the golden portal of her own accord. And on the other side, it was just as promised. The grandest casino that she’d ever seen – well, a few from Las Vegas came close. And it was undoubtably a shadow world creation. Clearly, not having to worry about building regulations or gambling laws really let a place cut loose on the construction front…

The lobby sprawled around her, filled with gamblers indulging in their vice. Slot machines, roulette wheels, backgammon and poker were just the start. And, just as promised, walking around between the tables, serving the guests glasses of champaign and dazzling them with their looks, were the shadows – pressed into the form of incredibly curvy bunny girls, with shining silver face masks and incredible chests. Yep, those things looked like they’d jumped straight out of someone’s id…

“How do you like my casino, Miss Kirijo?” A voice called, somehow clear above the din despite barely being louder than spoken volume. “You’ve certainly been hunting for an invitation for long enough~”

Mitsuru looked up. There, high up above, on a balcony overlooking the gambling lounge, was a woman in a dark dress, complete with a black wide brimmed hat. She cut an impressive figure, but most striking was her silver hair – and her golden eyes, visible from even this distance. Aha.

“So I take it you’re the Shadow responsible for all of this?” The persona user had only met a few Shadows before, briefly, during that incident in Inaba, but she’d seen plenty of reports on them. The consolidated expression of a real person’s supressed desires and needs, rather than just random monsters… They could be dangerous things, if handled incorrectly.

“Guilty,” the silver haired woman purred, before reconsidering. “Well, maybe half-responsible. It used to be that I owned this Palace totally, but then an entire army of thugs managed to force their way in, and now I find that the idea of my lovely casino’s spread across the cognitive sea of this entire city. Which has its perks, but it does mean I get a lot more customers in now…”

The redhead raised an eyebrow. “So your Palace is now accessible from all over Toyko. And you just let people in to gamble?” It couldn’t be that simple.

“Of course! And it’s all completely fair. I mean I’ve turned over a whole new leaf. It used to be I cheated and lied all the time to win, but now…” She sighed, rolling her golden eyes. “Now I’m a good girl who plays nice. Ish. Little sisters can be such brats, you know?”

Mitsuru blinked. She did not, in fact, know – she was an only child, and while she’d certainly have no hesitation in calling her friends as close as family, she knew that wasn’t really the same thing as growing up with a sibling. “What do you mean?”

The shadow waved a hand dismissively. “Nothing, nothing. Anyway, now I only get to vent my sadistic side on people who break the rules.” Her eyes flashed. “Cheaters get no mercy around here.”

“Oh?” Now the redhead’s eyes narrowed. “Would that be why so many people have been disappearing into this casino of yours?”

The silver haired woman smirked, her thick dark makeup adding to the sinisterness of her expression. “Like I said. Cheaters get no mercy. And my, my, even when you warn them, so many people think they’re above the law…” She chuckled. “So I get to have my fun after all~”

Right. Just as she’d thought. This place was every bit as sinister as anything involving the shadows. Mitsuru glared, her hand sweeping back her coat to reveal the evoker and sword on her hip. “I knew it. Whatever you’ve done to these people cannot be allowed. Release them, and allow this place to vanish from the world.”

The Shadow straightened a little, looking down upon the heiress with a cold, golden gaze. “Or else?”

“Or else I will make you.”

A smile cracked those black painted lips, and suddenly the silver haired woman jumped forwards, dropping down from the balcony above to land gracefully right in front of Mitsuru. No one around them seemed to pay either woman any attention. “Oh? Be careful, Miss Kirijo. Violence is absolutely against the rules here. You wouldn’t want to get in trouble.”

The two stared at one another, gold against red-ish brown. A silent battle of resolve crackled between them, two ladies completely confident in their abilities, and more than used to controlling the world around them by their will alone. Neither was willing to back down.

There was only one way it could end.

Mitsuru snatched up her evoker and made good on her threat. “Persona!”

… And then froze, brow furrowing in confusion. That… Should have worked. Her Persona should have arrived, cloaked around her, her power already blazing to cast this Shadow down. Where… Where was Artemisia?

The Shadow’s giggle shattered the sudden silence. “Oh, I’m sorry, were you expecting more? I told you – violence is against the rules here. Even your Persona is suppressed unless I allow it.” She winked. “And I’m afraid I don’t.”

Before the heiress could react, strong, shadowy hands seized her arms. Shocked, she looked behind her to see two of those busty bunny shadows that she’d dismissed earlier, having risen up out of the floor beneath her to grab her.

“Unhand me!” She growled, trying to struggle – but their grip was as firm as iron. They wouldn’t budge.

And the golden eyes Shadow woman just laughed again, reaching out to cup Mitsuru’s chin fondly. “What did I say? Even when you warn them, some people still think they’re above the law~” She raised her other hand. There was something in it, something made of shining silver… “Luckily, I know just how to deal with cheaters.”

Her hand shot forward, slapping a blank silver mask over the redhead’s face. Mitsuru barely had time to widen her eyes before everything went black. Her senses were suddenly cut off, leaving her in complete darkness.

Naturally, her first instinct was to rip this bizarre mask off her head. The bunny girls even released her arms, allowing her to reach up, feeling her now smooth face, before trying to get a grip and rip it off – but it did no good. As much as she struggled, trying to pull the mask away, she found it was stuck on tight. Her fingers couldn’t find a seam between it and her head to latch on to, and no matter what she tried she couldn’t pull it away.

“Mmph! Mmmh!” She couldn’t even call for help or demand her freedom – her voice was muffled to the point of incoherence. All she could do was fumble about, blind, as she tried to break free of this strange binding.

But she didn’t have long to work, as the mask’s other effect went to work on her.

It started with her feet. Unable to see, she didn’t notice, but she only barely managed to avoid a stumble as her black heels morphed into red stripper shoes, gaining an inch in height as they did. Her new strut slippers were the epitome of slutty fashion – all style over substance, designed to be almost impossible to walk in… But strangely, she had no problem keeping her balance as her feet turned a shadowy black inside them.

The wave of darkness soon spread upwards, eating away at her catsuit as it spread up her legs. Her calves were soon the same shade of black as her feet, save for where they were crisscrossed by red nylon threads – something to simulate the sultry look of tight stockings. It was a pattern that continued up her thighs, which plumped as they were consumed - just a bit, preparing for the wave to reach her hips.

“Mhmm!” What might have been a squeal echoed through the heiress’s mask as the warm joy of her transformation shot up her spine…

Every bit of preparation was needed, of course. As soon as the wave hit, her ass inflated like a balloon, swelling out so large that her catsuit would have been torn in half just from her new cheeks alone.

But fortunately for her – from a certain point of view, anyway – her catsuit wasn’t needed anymore. Forming around her, stitching itself together between her legs and around her enhanced derriere, was a bunny suit – a red silken leotard, complete with a fluffy tail. And though it hugged her shadowy flesh tightly, it was easily able to contain the incredible curves she was growing.

That was good, because the fabric needed to be flexible for what followed as the dark curse continued to rise. Mitsuru’s waist sinched in, almost to the width of her rapier, forming her hips into an incredibly bottom heavy hourglass. The squish should have been uncomfortable, maybe even seriously harmful, but all she felt was a pleasant squeeze.


That paled in comparison to what came next. Pleasure blasted through her brain as her chest surged outwards. If her ass had inflated, then her tits had just expanded, growing like nations on an accelerated timescale! The heiress had never been a small girl, but these melons were easily larger than her head, and only just barely kept wrapped up by her red leotard straining to keep up. Even this magical fabric could only barely keep these bunny boobs in check.


That was the last major change, as the shadow conversion spread down her arms and up her shoulders. A ribbon tied itself in a nice bow around her neck, a white collar and red cuffs appearing as the last of her flesh was consumed by flowing, shadowy blackness. Slowly, she went still and silent, all of her struggles fading as her hands dropped to her sides, her silver mask staring forward blankly as glowing eyes appeared on its front.

The final piece, the herald of her complete transformation, was a pair of bunny ears popping up through her red hair – its colour and style the only sign left that this bunny girl, otherwise identical to all of the others, had once been Mitsuru Kirijo.

And her audience couldn’t have been happier!

“Mmn, you came out wonderfully, Mitzi~” The silver haired shadow purred as she snuggled up against the new bun, pressing into her chest and confirming for anyone interested that, yep, it was her id that was the origin of those bunny girls. “We’re going to have such fun together~”

The new bunny girl, understanding her new purpose – and pretty much nothing else, her mind smothered under the mask - struck a pose, kicking one leg up in the air behind her, and shoving her chest out for her Mistress to enjoy.

“Oh, good girl~” The golden eyed woman’s smile was so wide it could have taken off the top of her head. “I think I’m going to enjoy our time together. Of course I’ll let you go eventually – people will start complaining again if I don’t – but don’t worry, you’ll always have my bouncy bunny in your head somewhere, ready to come out when I call. And speaking of… Let’s put you through your paces, shall we? See me in my office, dear~”

She turned, walking away and snapping her fingers. Instantly, the red haired bun followed after her, her hips swinging from side to side with every step. One of her hands rose up, materialising a silver tray and a glass of champaign to stand on it. This was her purpose, after all - she was pure eye candy, she existed to serve.

And the shadow was only too happy to let her do just that, leading her away into the depths of the palace. The door swung closed behind them. It read ‘Staff Only’, but that wasn’t a problem. Mitzi the bunny girl had just been hired for a lifetime position at the Phantom Casino – under the boss’s desk~


Request: Another Pokemon one: This time Luke has traveled to Unova where he meets N and Hilbert. After finding out about the events that took place in the region before, he decides to reward them by turning them into twin Zoroark pokebabes.


The ruins of Castle Plasma weren’t the kind of place just anyone could go. Even the most dedicated of spelunkers would struggle to make their way through the crumbled corridors, and the most seasoned hikers would think twice before braving its winding stairs. Once upon a time, this castle had been the centre of a web that spanned the entire Unova region, a bustling hub of fiendish activity that had almost ended in total conquest, but now… it was simply a wreck. A fallen, forgotten, and above all, dangerous remnant of a time long past.

“So isn’t it about time you moved out already?”

N rolled his eyes. “I’ve told you already, Hilbert, I don’t actually live here. This is just… a nostalgic place for me.”

The brown haired trainer snorted. “Yeah, it’s where I kicked your ass hard enough to finally get you to see reason.”

That got a chuckle as the green haired former-king clambered his way over a fallen boulder, and out of an almost inaccessible passage to the main hall. “That’s one way of putting it. But yes, it feels like an important place – and a good arena for portentous battles, don’t you think?”

“Hmm…” Hilbert followed after his friend easily – hey, an experienced Pokémon Champion knows how to move through pretty much any environment, it was just part of the job description – pondering theatrically. “Honestly, I prefer my battles to be places where I don’t expect the roof to cave in on my head…”

“Hah. Well, that’s… Huh.” The green haired man paused, peering down the corridor. “Someone’s here.”

“Really?” His friend looked over his shoulder. “All the way out here? Did someone get, like, really lost on their way to fight Iris?”

N just frowned. “No, I don’t think so…”

Footsteps echoed down the hall. A shadow loomed on the wall. Eyes narrowing, Hilbert reached for his Pokéballs…

And then a Lucario stepped into view.

“Oh!” The Champion’s hand dropped, his eyes widening. “Wow, is that a Lucario? Almost never see that species all the way out here!”

“So it is!” Even N looked calmer – obviously dealing with the arrival of a Pokémon better than he would have a human. He still preferred one over the other. “Well hello there, friend. What are you doing here?”

The Lucario looked between them, tilting his head as he considered them. Then… “Actually, I was hoping that you could inform me about what happened to Team Plasma.”

N blinked, while at his side, Hilbert grinned. “Hey, I think I’m getting better at your trick for understanding Pokémon! I got every word of that!”

“…” The green haired trainer sighed. “That’s because he was speaking like a human, Hilbert.”

“Oh.” The brunette slumped a little. “Darn.”

One could never underestimate the bizarre priorities of a Champion. Never ever.

“Yes, forgive me.” The blue Pokémon bowed politely. “I didn’t mean to surprise you. My name is Luke. Honestly, once I saw the state of this building, I wasn’t expecting to find anyone here – but I caught a trace of your auras, and came to investigate.”

Right. No time to get distracted by his friend. This was a fascinating discovery! N had long been able to speak to Pokémon, but he’d rarely seen any Pokémon who could speak to humans this way.

“Well it’s great to meet you, Luke!” He smiled, crouching down so that they were eye to eye. “I hope that we can be friends.”

“Same!” Hilbert gave a friendly thumbs up. “Always cool to meet a new Pokémon.”

Luke smiled. “Thank you. Your kindness is appreciated. I don’t suppose you could answer my questions?”

“You mean about Team Plasma, right?” The two humans shared a look. Hoo, now there was a complicated subject. “What do you want to know?”

“I had heard,” the Lucario said, looking around, “of an organization that wanted to put an end to humans abusing Pokémon… But it seems I was too late. If this ruin is all that remains of Team Plasma, then it seems that human cruelty has indeed won again…”

The pair winced. Well, yeah, that sounded like exactly the kind of thing Team Plasma had said they were doing, but…

“Unfortunately,” N said, his smile fading. “As noble an idea as that would be, that was never their goal.”

Hilbert shook his head. “Your dad’s a piece of work, dude.”

“Yeah.” The trainer sighed. “Yeah he is.”

That certainly got the Lucario’s attention. He raised an eyebrow as he looked between the two humans. “How do you mean?”

The pair shared another look, before N nodded, and went to explain. “My father, Ghetsis, was the one behind Team Plasma’s actions. He was planning to strip everyone else of their Pokémon – so that he and he alone could control their power. Once that had happened, he could conquer all of Unova without any real opposition. No matter what lofty goals her pretended to support, everything he did was in pursuit of power, nothing more.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Your father? Didn’t you support him in this, then?”

The green haired man winced again. “I wish that I hadn’t. His plan was foolish. Vile. But at the time I, too, believed in his lies. I thought man and Pokémon would be better apart. It took… an embarrassingly long time to realise his true intentions.”

Hilbert put a hand on his shoulder, trying to reassure him. “Don’t be so hard on yourself man. You helped put it right.”

But N just chuckled ruefully. “You did most of the work, Hilbert. My part in the formula was incidental.”

That got a shrug. “Well, sure, but you stopped him when he showed back up, right?”

“Not alone…” The trainer sighed again – before straightening up. “But I am prouder of my role in that confrontation than the one before it. That time, I was able to stand up to him. I just wish he’d listened to me and abandoned his dark path.”

It was a touching moment between two close friends – one that was interrupted by a poke-cough. “So you were a part of this Team Plasma?” Luke asked, still curious.

N snorted. “Yeah. Ghetsis even called me their King. But once I knew the truth, I couldn’t continue with them. While I do still dream of a world that’s safe and just for all Pokémon, Team Plasma wasn’t the way to that future.”

Hilbert grinned, slapping his friend on the back. “He still lets all his Pokémon go all the time though.”

N spluttered. “I’m just not a fan of Pokéballs, okay?”

The two launched into a familiar, teasing argument, once again debating the morality of Pokémon battles and the best way to treat one’s close friends.

Luke watched them go at it for a few moments, considering their words – and then he nodded. “I see. Then I commend you – both of you. You clearly worked hard to prevent the exploitation of my kind. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, would you mind telling me more of this story? It sounds like a lot happened in this region.”

Well, neither of them saw any problem with that. “Sure. My old bedroom should be around here somewhere. It’s one of the more stable areas of the castle – how about we rest there and I can tell you whatever you’d like to know.”

The three nodded, and began to make their way through the ruin – N’s feet easily leading him through what had once been his home. But as they went, neither human noticed the way that their new friend was looking at them.

It had been interesting to learn more about Team Plasma – and, of course, Luke knew he shouldn’t have been surprised that a human had ruined the whole thing. Of course, his goal was to go even further – a world where humans were dominated by Pokémon, as they always should have been. And while that goal was still a long ways off – he was but one Pokémon, after all – he still felt that these two were due a reward for their services in stopping the corrupt Team…

It was interesting, these two. The green haired one’s aura was so close to a Pokémon’s that he was practically half way there already. The brown haired one wasn’t anywhere near so close to that, but his aura was very easy to push towards femininity. For him, going from boy to girl would be like flicking a switch, or just choosing a second option on the menu.

And Lucario was never one to resist flipping an interesting switch.

Grinning, the Pokémon extended his metaphysical senses. In a realm beyond human perception, he reached out to the two human’s auras, and began to… tweak things.

N shrank a little, losing some of his lanky height as his hair began to grow out. His green locks had never been especially tame, but now it was really going wild, growing in length and volume until it almost reached down to the floor. Dark streaks were starting to appear in it, blue spikes against the green. It hung around his shoulders like a shroud, highlighting his ears as they began to grow into points…

Meanwhile, Hilbert was experiencing something similar, though nowhere near as extreme. His bangs were starting to pool around his shoulders, his hair growing from its short, mussy cut into a long, bouncy ponytail that bobbled behind his head. He lost a few inches of height too, but more obvious was the sudden loss of broad bulk – his muscles, hard and honed from the life of a wandering Champion, shrank inwards suddenly, likes his arms and legs were deflating balloons, leaving him slim, and just a bit noodley.

Well, obvious for everyone but the man himself, anyway. Luke was certainly enjoying the show.

Especially as all of that stolen mass relocated itself. Hilbert hiccupped, patting his chest in surprise at the sudden motion – and completely failed to notice the new tits that he found there, bulging up under his jacket. They were a fairly modest pair, a slim, almost flat set of breasts… Or they were, until he hiccupped again. Then they bulged out again, pulling down the zipper on his jacket as they plumped out another couple of cup sizes, stealing yet more mass from his masculine frame. Now they sat rather proudly, a healthy cleavage developing. And it got yet healthier, when the man hiccupped a third and final time, the last of his masculine mass – the part located between his legs – sucked up into a very feminine slit, as her boobs grew yet larger still.

“Hooo,” the brown haired maiden sighed, patting her chest again and ignoring how high pitched her voice had become. “Dunno where that came from.”

N just grunted in reply. His own transformation hadn’t stopped. Unconsciously he’d begun walking on the balls of his feet, his toes lengthening to help him balance and developing sharp, green nails that shredded his shoes.. Fur was spreading across his body, rising up from his feet and down from his neck – dark blue, like the highlights in his hair.

That wasn’t all, of course. Just like his ears, his nose had grown more pointed, turning into a rather long snout that stretched his entire face, his eyes growing sharp and pointed with the change. Like his toes, his fingers developed long green nails, sharp enough to cut through steel, and a warm furred collar had appeared around his chest.

His clothes were done for, splitting and tearing at every seam, and soon falling away as he walked on, oblivious. By the time the last scrap of fabric was gone, N had lost all traces of his humanity, and instead taken the form of a Zoroark.

The Lucario inspected them both. Not bad work, even if he said so himself. He’d been trying to up his game lately, and he definitely felt that these two transforming so smoothly was a sign of his improvement.

Though, of course, they weren’t done. This was just the half way point. Now he had one woman, and one Pokémon – and thus it was time to make two Pokébabes. Smirking, he reached out once more with his powers…

Their auras already soft and malleable, neither Hilbert nor N resisted as their energies melded, mixed and exchanged. The brunette thought nothing strange about it as fur grew all over her body, her brown hair flowing out behind her into a dark mane. Nor did the green haired poke-man even blink as he became a poke-woman, tits swelling up on her chest with their own furred mane as all other traces of manhood vanished.

It was easy for an aura master like Luke. The two had been quite close, and now, aside from their colour schemes, they were quite identical. Just a pair of beautiful, busty Zoroark babes.

Just in time, too – as the trio finally reached N’s old room. Neither noticed anything unusual as they stepped through the door, of course. Their minds hadn’t quite caught up to the changes they’d been through yet – and Luke had no intention of allowing them to close the gap.

“Actually,” he said as he stepped in behind them, “I think you’ve already answered all of my questions. But if I might ask, there is something I’d like you to do for me…”

“Oh?” Hilbert asked, her feminine voice now picking up a husky intonation, as suited her new species. “What do you need, buddy?”

“I’m sure we’d be happy to help, as long as it’s reasonable.” N’s voice, meanwhile, was lighter, but no less sultry.

“It’s quite simple,” Luke said with a grin. “I’d like for the two of you to become my adoring bimbo slut slaves.”


As one, the two Pokébabe’s mouths opened, but their lips froze in puckered surprise as Lucario’s aura shaping power reached into their heads and squeezed. Pleasure exploded through their compressed minds, their eyes crossing as their brains popped – all those thoughts and memories of their old lives shooting straight down to their tits, which bounced as they swelled out, now three times their original size.

Suddenly, the answer to Luke’s request was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Yes Master!” The two Pokébabes fell to their knees, eager, practically drooling with their readiness – and not just from their mouths.

“Wonderful!” The Lucario’s grin grew even wider, and he stepped forward, petting both bimbofied trainers fondly. “Then in that case, I think it’s time I gave you both some proper training. That’s what Pokémon Trainers do after all, isn’t it? And fortunately, we’re in just the right room for it…”

The two Pokébabes shared another look – this one filled with hunger and lust. Both of them were having the exact same thought. This was a bedroom, after all. They knew exactly what kind of training their Master could give them in here.

They both planned to be excellent studies~


Request: Triple Treat Smoothies - We’ll follow two college gal pals trying out smoothies at a new stand in the mall with transformative properties.


Melissa and Trish had been besties for years. Honestly, it was hard for anyone to remember a time when the two of them weren’t tied at the hip. Aside from the rare occasions where they had a falling out, where you found one, you found the other. It had been that way since they’d met on the first day of school, all the way through to college (they had, of course, gone to the same one).

It was interesting, because the pair really didn’t look like they’d be friends, at least not based on appearances alone. Melissa was a tall, blonde woman with fair skin, known for her flashy fashion (and for her long legs). Trish was black haired, bordering on short, had darker skin from her Asian heritage, and preferred comfortable clothes like hoodies and sweatpants. They really appeared to be night and day…

Unless you knew how much of a couch potato Melissa was when she wasn’t out in public, or how good Trish looked when her best friend got her past her shy nature and put on some makeup, at least. Then maybe it made a bit more sense that they clicked together.

Or perhaps there was more to it. There was always the way that Trish looked at Melissa, whenever she knew the blonde wasn’t watching… And the way that Melissa always checked her phone to stare at her pictures of her friend before she went to sleep at night (unless they were having a sleep over, where she’d stealthily stare at the real thing instead)…

Well, maybe. But neither of them had ever talked about any of that, so maybe not. Either way, the pair were pretty much inseparable. They ate together, they studied together, they slept… not together, but close by.

And, of course, they shopped together. It was time for another fashion refresher, and Melissa was paying – had already paid, in fact, judging by the stuffed bags of clothes under her arms as the pair wandered through the shopping mall. Trish, by contrast, had a much smaller bag, though it was also stuffed with clothes, mostly thanks to her friend forcing her to take things she thought would look cute on her.

“I don’t know,” she was already muttering, leafing through the garments without actually pulling the bag off of her shoulder. “Do you really think green is my colour?”

“Trish, babe, all colours are your colour.” Melissa rolled her eyes with a smile. “Just trust me for once, it’ll look great. You know, if I ever get you to wear it for longer than five minutes.”

“Well…” The black haired student considered it for a moment, blushed, and then quickly looked around for a change of subject. “Oh hey, is that place new?”

She pointed across the mall, to a smoothie stall she’d never seen there before. The normal cupcake stand had apparently left. Now ‘Triple Treat Smoothies’ occupied the centre of the plaza, a big white kiosk with a colourful array of fruit juices arranged behind the counter in a rainbow-like spread, manned by three attendants already serving customers. For a second, something seemed strange about them… but the moment passed, and the feeling left like dissolving deja vu. Weird.

“Huh. Yeah, I guess.” Melissa looked over and shrugged. “Could be cool to try them out. Feeling thirsty?”

“Oh yeah.” The pair nodded to each other and headed in. Navigating the small seating area wasn’t too difficult – they just had to find their way around the crowds. It was a surprisingly popular stall – though that might have had something to do with the entire cheerleading squad taking up a full table (and apparently they were so in sync that they’d all bought the exact same smoothie flavour. Talk about group unity). But fortunately, they didn’t have to wait long in line – there was only two women in front of them, some business lady from an office down the street, and a jogger who’d clearly stopped in to refresh herself on the run.

Then the two of them were at the front counter. Their server was a smiley woman with green hair styled with red highlights, and massive tits that were practically four times the size of her head, their sheer mass on her chest bulging like they wanted to slip free of her crisp white uniform. “Hey there, I’m Watermelon!” She said, rather fittingly. “Is this your first visit to TTS? Just pick three flavours you like, and we’ll whip you up a fruity treat!”

There was that tingle in their brains again. The two friends paused, trying to work out why they felt so strange – before shrugging and continuing onto their orders. Melissa went first – she’d always been the decisive one between them. Her eyes were already scanning the list of flavours. “Hmm. I’ll taaaake… A banana lime mango, please.” That seemed like a reasonable combo.

Trish took a moment longer, considering the options. “In that case… Oh, I’ll try a grape orange coconut! I’ve always wanted to give that a go.”

Had she? Well, it definitely felt like she had. It sounded like a tasty mix, at least.

“Sure thing!” Watermelon clapped happily – nearly shaking her tits out of her top with the motion – and turned to the two other staffers. “You heard them, Banana, Grape!”

Banana – a blonde woman with girlish twintails and a massive cock that was so large it threaded up between her tits and practically hovered in front of her face – nodded, quickly gathering up a couple of tall, clear glasses, and handing them to Grape – a purple haired black woman with a proud afro and a top bulging to contain her eight tits, each the size of her head – who got to work pouring and mixing. It was a surprisingly entertaining show, watching the colours mix and blend as they were poured together, and the two friends were almost sad it was over when their drinks were placed on the counter.

Still, the smoothies looked delicious, so they certainly weren’t complaining. Layers of sweet looking fruit juices, like small rainbows in glass. There were even little fruit stickers on the side showing what they’d gotten – a lime, a mango, and a banana for Melissa, and an orange, grape, and coconut for Trish. The two thanked the servers and took their drinks gratefully, already sipping on them as they moved over to a table to sit down.

“Mmmn~” Trish smacked her lips, smiling. “Delicious! How’s yours?”

“Ooh, good!” The blonde matched her friend’s grin. “We definitely need to stop here more often.”

They nodded together, in sync as always, and began to drink. And as they did, they also began to change…

Trish had actually taken a sip first, so the changes began with her. And they were subtle at first. Obviously with her senses so captivated with her delicious smoothie, it was easy to miss a sudden odd dampness spreading in small patches through her top, just over her nipples. And that slight swirling, churning sensation within her chest, that was nothing to dwell on – it was just her body reminding her that she was ready to be milked. Nothing pressing, she’d never require regular milking or anything, it was just a fun little treat she had. Yep, nothing unusual about that.

Melissa’s first change was more obvious – or it should have been. Yet, somehow she was able to ignore it as her hips, parked in her seat, began to stretch. She’d never thought of herself as a bottom heavy girl, but that was changing, her lower half now almost as wide as her shoulders. Nothing that really struck her as wrong, of course. She just had wide hips now – she’d have to strut everywhere, sauntering instead of stepping. Which was completely normal, wasn’t it? Yeah, that sounded right.

More unusual would be her cock, in her opinion. It was already swelling and growing just in front of her vagina, her clit firming into a firm footlong, bigger than most men she’d ever seen. Ha, yeah, none of them had ever been able to compare to her in that department. She had a fine member, one she was very proud of – though she had to correct herself, as she drained the second third of her smoothie, because naturally there was nothing unusual about growing one of those!

Trish was still a little ahead of her, though, and she was also feeling a little odd between the legs. Instead of a cock, though, she was simply developing a pair of balls that hung between her thighs like a pair of oranges. Maybe a little odd on their own, sure, but she felt they made her a nice match with her bestie~

And she was about to become even better, as yet more wet splotches appeared on her top, with two new nipples appearing on her chest. Soon after, entire new tits swelled up behind them, each ready and able to provide a quick burst of milky refreshment to any searching lips. They even shared the wealth as they grew, her original breasts swelling up a cupsize too – and sloshing a little as they gained that extra volume in milk as well.

Then her straw slurped as she reached the bottom of her glass, and the milky, multi-titted woman finally sat back, spreading her legs a little to give her balls some space. “Mmmn… That was sooo good… Oh?”

She blinked and looked down at Melissa’s head, which was now snuggling against her chest. The pair’s eyes met… And the dark haired woman smiled. “Oho. Did you want a drink, babe?”

“Maaaybe…” The blonde giggled shyly, and then preened as Trish’s hand stroked down her back. This was another perfectly normal interaction between them, of course. Sure, they’d been in a relationship relationship before this moment – but now it felt like the most natural thing in the world. It was just them fitting together perfectly on yet another level. Despite Mel’s forward personality, she was actually surprisingly soft in the bedroom – more comfortable wearing the collar than wielding the whip, as it were – something that her now girlfriend was all too happy to indulge her in.

Neither of them had any idea that Mel’s last gulp of fruity goodness had completely extinguished her mildly dominant nature – instead converting her heart and soul into a subby little plaything. Why should they? Just like everything else, it was completely normal…

“Come on then.” Trish stood up, helping her girl to her feet. “Let’s finish up shopping and get home. I need to buy some new bras for these girls,” she said, cupping her new breasts and giving them a slight squeeze, grinning at the rivulets of milk that poured out. “And you need some new skirts to show off those hips – plus some new underwear, I bet. Actually we both need some spacious support down there now.” She winked. “Then we can see about milking that new cock of yours with my tits~”

“Oooh, yes, Mistress~!” The blonde happily fell into step, strutting after her lover with swaying steps – and letting out a quiet squeal as said lover grabbed her ass to guide her around. “Mn~”

As they left the café area, they walked past a few other customers who hadn’t finished their drinks yet. No one special or eye catching…

…Just that jogger in her tight gym outfit, who had her phone out, playing rather loudly pornographic videos. “Oh yeah, just like that,” she was moaning, squirming in her seat as her free hand stroked her body up and down, the tremble in her flesh implying she was far more sensitive than normal, even seeming to climax as she pinched her arm. She’d even managed to knock her smoothie glass over, though thankfully it was empty, the two cheery and one lemon stickers on the side the only hint as to what it had contained…

… Or that business woman, who was sitting at the next booth with her skirt hiked up, her fingers pumping inside her visibly engorged pussy, her ankles up on the table. She had her phone out too, though she was on a call. “Ah, yes boss, of course! Mn, I’ll be back to the office soon – you can pound me over your desk while I finish the report. Ahm, I can’t wait to carry your children…”

Her ankle hadn’t knocked over her smoothie glass yet, but it was absolutely going to happen. But once again, all that was left in or on the glass were three stickers – peach, raspberry, and lime in this case…

… And finally, of course, there was that table of cheerleaders. Trish and Mel rolled their eyes as they circled the table of incredibly busty babes, all of whom were engaged in a frantically horny orgy with one another. Bouncing tits larger than their owner’s heads were stroked and rubbed together as tongues dug into pussies and fingers groped curves in a really athletic display of eroticism. Good thing they’d gone all in on those double watermelon/strawberry smoothies before they started, they’d need the fluids…

… Yep. Everything was perfectly normal around here.

“And if you’re very good,” Trish followed up, grinning as they walked away. “Then I’ll let you get another smoothie on the way back.”

Mmn, that sounded delicious – and there were so many more flavours to try. Yep, these two would be back. They were practically already life long customers of Triple Treat Smoothies. And they just couldn’t wait for more~


Request: Next part of the RWBY hypnosis series. Thanks to Glynda realizing that the girls had been acting more infatuated with Cardin, we open on her and the newly returned Jaune investigating his dorm. This leads them to finding Yang, the now naked, dumb, horny, gorilla-brained girl, leashed up in Cardin's room…


“Obviously, a teacher isn’t supposed to use their master keys to investigate student rooms without a great deal of paperwork and discussion before hand,” Glynda explained as she pushed open the door to Cardin Winchester’s room. “But I think we can safely make an exception in your case, Master.”

“Thank you, Glynda.” Jaune smirked as he followed the deputy headmistress, and his personal slave, into his former bully’s room. “I’ll make sure to reward you for your service properly once we have all of this sorted out.”

She smiled, a hint of a blush forming on her cheeks. “I live to serve, Master. Now, what’s been going on in here…”

Truth be told, Glynda had been suspicious of Cardin for some time. The signs hadn’t been subtle. Practically every girl in the school had suddenly found the annoying brute to be the most attractive stud on campus. Some of them had been literally drooling over him. And when girls had started to disappear, there was one obvious suspect…

But her Master’s orders had been to wait for him to arrive before trying to deal with it, which, naturally, was the most sensible course of action. Her Master was so smart. After all, Yang had probably realised the same issue, and now she’d disappeared. Clearly, this wasn’t the time to be going it alone.

Now, though, Jaune had returned – and with him at her side, controlling her like the eager puppet that she was, the two of them could investigate.

So after all of that build up, it was rather disappointing how blatant and unimaginative what they found was. The moronic meathead hadn’t even tried to hide the evidence of what he’d been up to. There were odd silver headset/visors lying on the bed, a freaky looking metal chair with restraints was sitting over in the corner, a book titled ‘How to Hypnotise a Harem’ was lying open on the desk… And, most obviously of all of them, there was a naked Yang sitting by the far corner, a collar around her neck leashed to the wall.

That one really gave the game away.

The two blondes shared a look, sharing that mutual connection between Master and Slave, before nodding. Then Jaune stepped forward, towards the drooling woman in the corner, with Glynda falling back to let him try to handle this. “Yang? Yang, can you hear me?”

Yang blinked, looking up. Then, seeing that there were intruders in the room, she lumbered to her feet, puffing up her chest threateningly. “Ook! OOK!”

“Careful, Master,” Glynda warned from near the doorway. “Cardin’s clearly done something to her mind. If he was as careful with her as he is with every other aspect of his life, then her brain is probably mush already.”

“It’s okay.” He held out his hands, moving slowly, trying to make it clear he wasn’t a threat. “She’ll recognise me. Won’t you, Yang? Come on, girl, you know I’m your real Master…”

The gorilla brained girl growled – but as Jaune drew closer, she started to hesitate. There was a flash of recognition in her eyes. Even as muddled as her mind had become, it was true – she really did recognise her Master!

“There you go,” he said, reaching out and petting her on the head. She grunted approvingly, and nuzzled into his hand. “I knew you were still a good girl for me. Now, take a look at this…”

Yang blinked, and then her eyes focused on the pendant that had dropped down to swing in front of her face. It was familiar to her monkey brain – she could have sworn she’d seen it somewhere bef-

Three two one, sleep.” Jaune barked out the command quickly – almost as quickly as the naked girl’s eyes slammed shut, and she pitched forward, completely unconscious. She would have crashed to the floor, had Jaune not caught her (though he buckled a bit under the weight. He still wasn’t the strongest of lads).

Fortunately, he was soon aided in this endeavour by his other Slave, who lifted the blonde girl off of him and slung her over her shoulder with ease. “Well done, Master. Now we should get out of here before the idiot returns. While I’m sure he wouldn’t be a problem for either of us on his own, there’s no telling how many brainwashed students he may have with him – and most of them don’t have your command phrases coded into their minds.”

“Yeah…” He nodded, looking around the mess of a room. “I don’t want to leave him with all this equipment, though. Can you think of any way we can get it all out of here?”

Glynda smirked. “Master,” she said, unsheathing her wand. “Which Slave do you think you’re talking to?”

“Oh come on!”

A few hours later, Cardin, flanked by his latest harem of honeys, returned to find his room had been stripped completely bare. Not just his equipment was missing, but also his shelves, his bed, his carpet… They’d even taken his wallpaper.

Glynda Goodwitch believed in being thorough.

Alas, things weren’t going much better for the other hypnotist on campus, secluded in Glynda’s office. Despite his efforts to restore Yang to her original settings – or, rather, to her original settings as his Slave – he wasn’t having much luck. Oh, she was easy to hypnotise, that wasn’t the issue – she was almost too easy, in fact. A swing of a pendant or a spin of a spiral and she was utterly entranced, not even the slightest hint of resistance.

But getting her to act like a Huntress again was being a bit difficult. Her brains were just a little too fried. The best he could seem to manage was…

“Thank you Master, what a spook!
Now I’ll tell you- OOK OOK OOK!”

… Getting her to act half like a gorilla, and half like a cheerleader.

“Bwak bwak!”

… And half like a chicken. Hoo, this was a tricky one. Still, it was progress. At least she could speak now. A little, anyway. With some effort, it probably wouldn’t be too difficult to learn just what Cardin was up to from her. Then, maybe he’d be able to fix her, and the bully’s other slaves, properly. He hoped so, at least.

“It’s going to be tricky to deal with this guy,” he muttered, folding his arms. “Even if we took his equipment, he’s got a big number advantage.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Master,” Glynda said, smiling as she looked up from her desk. “I think I know just how to start dealing with him and his hordes.”

“You do?” He raised an eyebrow, looking over. Even Yang seemed interested – when she wasn’t clucking, at least.

“Oh yes,” she said, turning her monitor around so that he could see it. “I’ve arranged for a few family visits – we should be able to use them to help some of the girls, at least.”

Jaune grinned as he saw the pictures she had up on screen. The familiar faces of Winter and Willow Schnee, and the easily recognisable Kali Belladona. “You know, Slave, that just might work.”

Oh yes, this next week at Beacon was going to be very interesting indeed~


Request: For this month it’s Tae’s turn. She’s gonna become a very kind and laid back hippie flowergirl. Trading her experimental medicine with alternative medicine and healing crystals. Long dirty blonde hair and a more cheery and girly look to her face.


For every force, there’s an equal and opposite counter-balance. For every poison, there’s an antidote. For every vaccine, there’s a virus. For every monster lurking in the dark, there’s a hero with a magic sword or something looking to vanquish it. This was the balance, the equivocation, that ensured the stability and prosperity of humanity, no matter how dark the path might be.

And destiny had no patience for those who would stand against it, least of all for the few who would dedicate their lives to healing and protecting others. No, for those who would defy the flow of fate in such a way, only the harshest of punishments would do.

Thus, it was time for the judgement and punishment of Tae Takemi. A strong and fiery soul, but one that couldn’t escape the long arm of the Indisputable Detectives.

The cognitive sea swirled, crackling like lightning. It would take a strong officer to bring this criminal to justice. And the figure that emerged was ready to meet that responsibility.

Tae Takemi’s license was due for review.

Was Tae Takemi’s medical license worth it? Really? Honestly, she was starting to have doubts. Ever since her reputation as ‘the plague’ had been dispelled – thank you, mysterious Phantom Thieves who certainly hadn’t been dropping by to pick up stimulants every other weekend – she’d been getting pestered over every little ache, pain, and cough. The community had clearly finally accepted her as their local doctor.

Kind of a shame that she was already leaving, when she thought about it like that. But in another, very real, very frazzled way… No, no it wasn’t. She was a busy woman and she didn’t have time to diagnose every booboo in the district. That was what hospitals were for, and that was one of the reasons she was going to work in one, thank god.

But since she was moving, that meant she had to handle shutting down her clinic and transfer all of her patients to the hospital’s registry. She had no interest in abandoning any of them, after all. They had believed in her – or been desperate enough to do so – during her lowest moments, and she’d repay the favour.

Which meant that closing down the place had taken a while, since she’d insisted on not cutting any corners. It was only now, less than a week before she started in her new position, that she was shuttering the place for good. Today was her last day running the Takemi Medical Clinic… And apparently every person with so much as a sniffle or a bruise had decided that today was the day to book an appointment! Because of course they had.

Well, Tae had been patient about it. Calm. Reasonable. At least, she had been those things by her standards, which meant she’d been blunt, forceful, and rushed the whole thing. But the important part was that she’d handled the issue, everyone had been sent home with their respective cures or follow-up appointments, and now once she locked the door, she could-

“Ah, are you the Doctor around here?”

Oh for god’s sake. Not five feet from the door, and of course someone new burst in. Ugh, just her luck.

Tch. Well, no point in taking it out on the patient. Tae bit back a sigh and looked over the new arrival. A rather mousy looking woman with short red hair, dressed in casual baggy clothes – a hoody and a pair of sweatpants – and thick, round spectacles, nothing intimidating. Actually, quite the opposite. This lady had so little presence it felt like you’d forget about her the moment you took your eyes off her.

Why did she feel so familiar, then?

Shaking off the weird feeling of déjà vu, Tae gave the woman a patient smile. “I was – but I’m afraid this clinic is closing down. Sorry, if you want an appointment, you’ll have to book one at my new Hospital.”

“Oh, I see.” The redhead nodded. Her expression was hard to read behind her glasses, but she didn’t seem surprised. “Apologies. Do you have the phone number for your new workplace?”

“Yeah, sure.” Tae handed her a card with her new business address and number on it – she’d been handing them out all day. Probably done something to her wrist doing so, even, given the strange tingling she felt as the woman took her offering. Oh well.

The woman studied the card for a moment, and then nodded, folding it away. “It’s a shame you’re moving on,” she said. “I think you could do a lot of good here.”

Ha. That definitely hadn’t been what people had been saying when she started working here. Tae smiled at the compliment. “Yeah, well, we all have to leave sometime, right?”

“Do we?”

Tae blinked – but the door was swinging shut before she could ask what that was supposed to mean, the strange woman vanishing out into the street. From the glow of her phone through the glass, it looked like she was already putting the new number into her address book. Strange lady…

Well. Whatever. The doctor sighed, rolling her eyes, and finally locked the front door. She was almost done here. Honestly, she’d miss this place – it was cozy, and she’d had more freedom to work while she was off on her own than she’d ever get in a more official environment… But it was time to move on. She had her career back, miraculously, and there were people out there to heal, diseases to cure, medicines to develop. As much fun as it had been – you know, when it had been fun, instead of humiliating – she really didn’t need this building anymore.

She took one last look around the reception, smiling, and then turned off the lights. She had a few last things to take care of in her office, and then she was out of this place for good.

The realm that Auditor Imekat Eat stepped into was not the standard white voice that most Indisputables dealt with. But naturally, she’d expected just that. Tae was a strong soul, certain in who and what she believed. She wasn’t going to be corrected without a fight.

Still, Imekat hadn’t expected a mountain temple, high above the clouds. The sky above was clear blue, and red arches stood over the winding path to the front of a Shinto-looking building. Hardly a palace – this was something else entirely. But that didn’t concern her – all she cared about was bringing a criminal to justice.

The owlish woman with red hair and thick, black rimmed glasses, was dressed in a dull business suit now, her official uniform. She gave off the aura of an office worker with no life outside of their job, and… Well, that was hardly inaccurate. Had she removed her glasses, she would have been an almost exact doppelganger of Tae herself – but she had no desire to show off her connection to her target.

Her footsteps towards the temple, up the mountain path, were unhurried. She had no reason to rush. She was indisputable. She was inevitable. Tae may have been Death… But Imekat was taxes.

“Once again, you surprise me,” the Indisputable Reviewer said as she finally approached the entrance, and the figure who waited for her there. “I expected, perhaps some kind of rock band look, or perhaps a plague doctor theme. Your reputation precedes you, obviously.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Tae’s Shadow stood, firm and impassive. She was dressed not in dark clothing or sinister robes, but rather in the white and red kimono of a shrine maiden. Paper ofuda seals fluttered between her fingers, all of them struggling to break free and attack the new arrival. Behind her back, a bonfire burned, its power roaring like it was her aura. Even though she was caged, trapped in prison bars just like any other target of the Indisputable Detectives, it didn’t feel like she was bound at all.

The redhead raised an eyebrow. “I don’t suppose you’ll make this easy?”

The Shadow just snorted. “I’ve been called many things – easy was never one of them.” Her aura intensified. “But whatever people say about me, I am a healer of the wounded. I am a guardian of the sick. I am a protector of the unwell. That will never change!” Her golden eyes narrowed. “This soul is sacred ground, intruder – I will not let you defile it!”

The fire flared, roaring upwards and burning the blue sky orange as the mountain itself seemed to rumble in agreement with her.

But for all of her forcefulness, she was still trapped inside her cage…

The Auditor rolled her eyes. Probably. Hard to see behind the glass. “Miss Takemi, you don’t have a permit for that.”

“A permit? A permit?!” The flames exploded, crashing through the mental world like the tail of a dragon, the sky turning red. “I don’t need a permit, you vile pencil pushing piece of crap!”

The mountain shook again, ground cracking open as more flames shot out, looking more like a volcano than anything. The cage containing Tae’s shadow melted and shattered the shrine maiden rising up into the air, ofuda circling around her in a protective shell.

“I am a Shadow, the true self!” She yelled, her golden eyes shining. “I’ve allowed myself to be pushed around by cretins like you for too long! Always more concerned with your bottom line than saving lives, protecting your egos rather than protecting your charges! No more! I will sweep you from this plane of existence, and incinerate your remains! I will never bow to your mediocrity ever again! I will-!”


“- Look right here, please.” Imekat finished, holding her phone up right in front of the enraged Shadow’s face. Tae’s eyes widened, her rant silenced by shock as her mouth fell open, but she couldn’t look away. The blue spiral on the screen was too captivating.


The redhead tutted, looking completely unphased by the show of power, standing in her basic suit. “Despite your dark fashion sense, you do have a dramatic soul, don’t you?”

“Wha- Wh- What- What are- Wha-” The Shadow couldn’t seem to finish. Blue light was starting to swirl in her eyes, slowly washing over the gold, and it felt like the same thing was happening in her mind. Her thoughts were just getting sucked under the tide and vanishing…

“You dramatic types are always easy to get going. No sense of practicality. If you’d actually attacked, I might have been in trouble.” The Auditor shrugged, keeping her phone level. “But since you did not, I’m afraid I will be reclaiming your licenses that have enabled you to defy the natural order. Tae Takemi, I now strip you of your misused traits - your defiant attitude.”

“I… Ooooohhhh…” There was nothing that Tae could do to resist. The spiral was growing larger by the second, her gold irises now almost completely eclipsed. There was nowhere else to look. There was nothing to hold on to. She felt the command sink into her head, and felt it root out her main defence. Her inner fire, her certainty, her ability to fight back against those who wronged her… Sucked out of her head by the swirling blue whirlpool, leaving nothing but empty space behind.

If she could have, her eyes would have rolled as she staggered, unsteady and uncertain. But she couldn’t – her gaze stayed fixed on the spiral, her will vanishing down into its depths as it drained more and more of her mind.

And the Audit continued. “Your encyclopaedic knowledge!”

With her defiance gone, the Shadow had no chance. The spiral swallowed her whole, pulling her mind into its unending spin and draining her of everything she’d dedicated her life to build. Her entire academic and professional career was spilling out of her ears, sucked away by the blue. Facts about drugs and biology, names and faces of patients, histories of disease, all of it swept away in seconds.

She wasn’t struck dumb – her mind still worked, was still sharp, in its own way… She was just ignorant. She didn’t know anything anymore – all she had were feelings and vibes.

“And your fierce drive.”

This was gilding the lily. Sapped of fire and wisdom, Tae was practically an open book to be rewritten… But the Auditor was leaving no stone unturned, no drawer unchecked. The woman who’d made herself a Doctor, who’d dragged herself through the mud of unfair accusations and poisoned insults faded. A kind of listlessness overtook her, a fog of laze settling over her empty mind…

The Shadow was slumped, drooling openly as blue spirals filled her eyes. There was no other colour in her – the red and white had drained from her kimono, the black from her hair. She was empty, vague, drudging grey from head to toe, practically formless, her outline wavering as her self verged on collapse.

And yet that, too, would not be allowed.

“But fear not.” Imekat grinned. “The main office isn’t without mercy. You will still be allowed to continue in your goal of helping the unwell. Just… In a much less effective fashion.”

And she leaned forward to deliver the new truth of Tae’s existence right into her soul.

Tae was half way back to her office when a shudder rolled through her. A strange emptiness seemed to open up in her heart, and her steps slid to a stop. Haze gripped her thoughts, confusion descending over her mind. For a second, she couldn’t remember where she was, and for some reason she thought she caught a glimpse of swirling blue in her reflection…

And then-

There was a rush. A crackle. Red and black cognitive energy coiled around her like lightning bolts, her eyes swirling those same colours. She even rose from the ground, levitating in the air as the power built around her, before it exploded outwards, consuming the room and turning the world dark red for a flash of a second.

The renovations done to Tae’s soul had been rather extreme – no chance was being taken – and so, in accordance, their reverberations through the world were equally powerful.

The Doctor moaned, eyes rolling back in her head as she felt the oddest sensation in her chest, a kind of unspooling and then rewrapping, as if the threads of her life had just been completely rewoven. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, honestly – it was more like a release, as if all of the pressure of her life had just been lifted from her shoulders…

And as it was, she began to change. Her hair lightened, shifting from black to blonde as it grew out past her shoulders down to the small of her back in long, wavy locks. Her doctor’s coat shivered, and then closed itself up tight around her, buttons vanishing as it sealed itself into a single garment – a pale poncho, decorated with wavy lines, flowers, and glittery gems. Frown lines vanished from her brow and crow’s feet disappeared around her eyes, the rigors of her serious profession and demeanour erased by the shift…

The clinic was changing too, of course. The plain, maybe even grim looking waiting room rearranged itself, chairs turning into tables, shelves appearing on the walls, all laden with crystals, herbs, incense and flowers. Products of all shapes and sizes appeared, all promising a healthy, bountiful life – if you just tried out the latest alternative medicines they provided!

The wallpaper turned a merry blue, and the eye charts replaced themselves with posters proclaiming the power of positive thinking. Even the name over the door shifted, flickering between ‘Takemi Medical Clinic’ and ‘Tae’s Happy Healing House’, before settling on the latter.

Then at last, Tae’s feet floated down to the ground, now clad in sandals. The red and black energy crackled one final time – depositing a pretty headband with a sunflower design onto the former doctor’s head – and then faded. Peace returned to the world.

“Ooohh… What was I just doing again?” A bright and cheerful smile spread over the blonde’s lips as she came back to herself, a proud contentment that she’d never known in her old life seeping into her soul. It wasn’t long before she snapped her fingers. “Oh right! I was gunna fix up the feng shui in my office! Gotta keep those healing and profit lines fresh!”

Yep. The cold and serious doctor had been completely converted into a happy go lucky, carefree hippy. Science had been traded for mysticism, and facts traded for unearned confidence. Wary cynicism replaced in full by peace and free love. She had no idea that it had happened – in her mind, she’d always been this way - but she couldn’t have been happier!

Before she could skip away to her office, though, the bell over the door tinkled again. Surprised, the blonde turned to greet a new customer – she really thought she’d locked that door.

“Oh hey!” She waved with a chipper smile instead as she recognised the new arrival. “Did you forget something?”

“Not exactly,” the redhead from before said, smiling about… something. Well, why wouldn’t she smile? It was a lovely day, right? “Actually, I had a question for you. Where did you say you were moving to?”

Tae blinked at her, confused. “Moving?” She put a finger to her cheek, twirling a lock of wavy blonde hair around it. “Oh gosh, you must have misheard me. I’d never move. This store is my life! And the ley lines running through this district are top notch!” She giggled. “I’d be a fool to lose this place! No, don’t worry – I’ll always be right here~”

“Oh really?” The woman’s smile grew even wider for some reason. “I must have misheard you before then. Sorry to bother you.”

“Don’t worry, it’s no b-” The door was already shut before Tae could finish, and the homeopath sighed. “Wow, she’s in a rush. I should give her some relaxation crystals next time she visits. It’ll totally help with her stress!”

She nodded to herself, confident in her plan, before heading back into her office/meditation room. This feng wasn’t going to shui itself!

And so Tae Takemi, the local alternative medicine weirdo, settled into her new life with a smile. The heavy burdens she had carried for so long had been taken from her, and from now on she’d be a true force for (impractical) positivity and joy in the district. Fate, brought back into the balance once again.

Another case closed by the Indisputable Detectives.


Request: It's going to be a busy day, and the last thing Miorine needs is to have faulty earphones with weird music playing in her ears. Did her playlist get messed with again? And what's with this annoying feature... every time someone speaks to her, she just ends up hearing something else instead. Gym bunny? Workouts? Twerking? Well, she has little time for jokes, especially with that important meeting she has today! But how's she going to communicate a thing when these blasted earphones won't even come off?


Miorine Rembran (ne Mercury) was a busy woman. An incredibly busy woman! As the CEO of one of (in fact, of some of) the foremost companies in the solar system, there was no end to the amount of work she had to do. Even with proper delegation – something she’d struggled to master after many, many people (especially Suletta) had insisted – there was always something she should, or could, be doing of tremendous importance.

So she really didn’t have time for a tech malfunction. Seriously, if this wasn’t sorted out soon, really soon, she was going to fire someone. Maybe a lot of someones. She really tried to avoid doing that kind of thing but this was seriously pissing her off!

But… Okay. Deep breath. Calming breath. Just focus on this meeting. It was important, and she wanted to make sure that these people had all of her attent-

There! That crackle and the hiss of static in her ear. It was happening again!

“Sorry,” she said, trying to not look too embarrassed – She was Miorine Rembran, after all – as she looked up at the woman speaking. “Could you repeat that?”

Rgh. This was so humiliating. How the hell had she allowed herself to get into this situation in the first place?!

It began, as so many things in Miorine’s life did, with Suletta Mercury (ne Rembran). Specifically, it began several months ago, when the love of Miorine had put her on a diet.

A diet.

“What? Why?! I’m perfectly healthy!” It was true – she’d always had a trim figure, and even if she’d gained a few pounds over the past few years she was still pretty damn slender.

“Miss Miorine, you get winded walking from the lounge to the bedroom.” The redhead had put it as gently as she could. “You need to live healthier!”

“Suletta, we’ve been married for five years, enough with the ‘Miss’!” The former Gundam pilot only did that when she knew she was going to say something that’d annoy her wife. It was such an annoying tell! “And besides… We… We have a lot of stairs in the house!”

“It’s only one floor, Miss Miorine…”

Curse her facts and logic.

“Fine.” She folded her arms and huffed, but she knew the battle was lost. “I can give it a try. For a bit. But if I don’t see results I’m going right back to normal!”

“That’s great!” Her partner had clapped excitedly. “It’ll work great with your new exercise routine!”

“… My what?”

By such simple words, was the CEO’s life of peace and prosperity rent asunder. Thus had begun her sentence in hell. It was nothing difficult, Suletta had insisted. Just a light morning jog, a couple of yoga exercises, and a healthy new zest for life!

Suletta, of course, had been raised in the incredibly harsh environments of deep space, and to this day seemed to have no understanding of what normal human bodies were capable of. At least, this was what Miorine had decided after one day of her new morning ‘routine’. How was anyone supposed to do this regularly? It was torture!

… Okay, after the first week or two it actually hadn’t been so bad. She was starting to feel healthier, her legs weren’t screaming at her, once difficult exercises were becoming second nature… And once she added a music player, her routine was almost fun! Not… Not that she’d ever tell anyone that after the fuss she’d made, of course.

But yes, that was the new morning routine of Miorine Rembran (ne Mercury). Wake up, snuggle with her wife, check her tablet for overnight messages, then get her workout clothes on and go through her exercises, before hitting the showers and starting her day refreshed. All in all, it could have been worse.

And all of that had been fine, up until this morning.

This morning had been strange. She’d woken up, gotten out of bed – there had been plenty of snuggling, obviously, but that hardly needed dwelling on right now – and she’d gone to start her routine. So, as had become her habit, she’d grabbed her wireless earphones, slid them in, turned on her workout music through her home’s wifi, and…

… And she thought she’d noticed a strange hiss in her ears, a quiet crackle beneath the opening notes of her playlist. For a second she’d been worried that her earphones had broken and that she’d need to replace them, but the sound had quickly faded into nothingness. Everything had been normal again.

So, thinking no more about it, she’d gone to start on her jog. The area around her home was private and secluded – the perks of being the owner of the space station you lived and worked on. Sure, there were some people around, security keeping an eye at the gates, and the occasional colleague who lived nearby, but no one that Miorine felt uncomfortable around. That was why she’d (eventually) accepted wearing these silly workout clothes – a blue sports bra and dark jogger leggings, her silver hair done up in a loose ponytail – that she’d never be seen dead in if there was even a chance of a photograph being taken.

It had also helped that Suletta found this particular outfit very distracting. Mio had started wearing it more after realising that.

But it was as she was doing her morning jog today that the strangeness really began to set in. She was coming up on the security gate, her normal route being a loop of the property, and as she went past, she nodded to the guard on duty, as was her habit. She knew the man quite well, having familiarized herself with him before ever entrusting him with the duty of Suletta’s safety (and her own, of course). They always exchanged pleasantries in the morning here.


“Morning, Emerson!” She waved as she jogged by the security booth.

He waved back, just like normal. “Looking good, Gym Slut!

… Huh?

She continued on a few steps, blinking, before skidding to a stop and jogging backwards, looking over at the man curiously. “Sorry, what was that?”

Emerson looked just as confused as her, honestly. “Uh. I said ‘fine day for it, Miss Mercury’?”

She frowned. That… Had not sounded like what he’d said? But… Wait, what had he said, then? For some reason, trying to think back on it was making her dizzy.

“Uh. Right. Must have just misheard you,” she mumbled, shaking her head. “Sorry. Carry on!”

And she ran off back to her route before he could reply.

Hoo, weird. Well, whatever. That had been embarrassing, but no big deal. Clearly, she was still half asleep. A good workout would be just the thing to wake her up – And tch, there was that hissing sound again. She’d have to get these earphones replaced once she got back home…

Shaking her head, Miorine continued to jog, doing her best to ignore the occasional splutter and crackle in her ears. But for some reason… It was strange. There was an odd phrase she couldn’t quite get out of her head…

… Gym Slut…

Weird words. What did they… mean…? Why did they make her feel so unsteady to think about? And why were her earphones hissing again?!

She was so distracted that she nearly outright collided with her neighbour.

“Woah! Are you okay there, Miorine?” The woman caught her as the silver haired CEO nearly toppled over her. An executive in the company and old work friend, she looked more bemused than angry, to Mio’s relief.

“Fine! Fine, sorry. I guess I didn’t see you there…”

The CEO swallowed and shook her head, trying to clear it. What was with her today?

The other woman just chuckled. “That’s okay. We both know you’re oblivious to anything that’s not a good workout.

Miorine found herself blinking again. “H-huh?” That didn’t sound like her… did it…?

“What?” The other woman just tilted her head. “I said it’s okay as long as you weren’t hurt?”

“Oh, um… R-right…” Yeah. That made way more sense. “Sorry, got a lot on my mind today.”

“I can tell.” Her neighbour patted her on the back. “I’ll let you get on with it.”

“Thanks.” Mio nodded, relieved. She just needed some time alone to sort herself out, she was sure. “Catch you later.”

“Catch you later, muscle bunny!

This time she didn’t even look back as she jogged off, her mind too distracted to register what her ears had taken in. But that made sense. She’d always been kind of oblivious to anything that wasn’t a good workout…

By the time she’d gotten back home, Miorine had worked up one hell of a sweat. For some reason, she’d felt incredibly energized today, and she’d completed her route in record time. Now she was ready for some light exercise in her personal gym, and then she’d be set for the day.

Strangely, despite her eagerness earlier, the thought of throwing out her earphones completely failed to occur to her. The hiss and crackle had faded into the background for her – still present, but her mind just skipped over them every time they happened. She was far too focused on her workout, after all.

So, first up, some weight lifting! Honestly, she’d never been entirely happy that her wife was so much stronger than her, even with her injuries. It wasn’t the worst thing, but she wanted to be able to pick Suletta up as easily as Suletta picked her up, you know? So, she’d slipped a little strength training into her routine, and she’d been pleased at how quickly she’d started to climb up the weight scale! It wasn’t as difficult as it looked.

And since she was home, she could also start to catch up on some of her work, too. Nothing serious, just checking her messages as she worked…

The first one was already starting to play, syncing through her earphones through the house wifi, as she sat on a bench and started lifting.

“Hey Miss Rembran, just calling to let you know that you’re a dumb muscle head. Check in later!”

The weight barely made it half way up before she paused, once again blinking. She couldn’t have heard that right, could she? “Repeat that message?”

The computer beeped, and did so.

“Hey Miss Rembran, just calling to let you know that the latest shipment went out without issue. Check in later!”

Hm. Yeah, that was better. She shook her head. There was that dizzy feeling again, but everything was perfectly normal. What was with her today? Ugh, she was acting like such a dumb muscle head. Best to just push on and get some proper gains!

Grinning, she leant into her weight lifting, enjoying the strain as her arms rose and fell as the next message started to play.

“Miss Rembran, please remember to show off what a good Gym Bimbo you are.”

… This was getting tiresome. Why were people saying such bizarre things to her today? Sure, they all pretended they hadn’t when she questioned them, but it just kept happening. Was she supposed to believe she was the one with the problem? Ha!

Maybe it was time to move on. Frowning, the Gym Bimbo set down her weights, and moved on to her next exercise – a cycling machine. This one was easy. A few minutes of cycling to loosen up her legs – and it really let her show off her fantastically fit body for anyone watching~

Work those glutes, show off those gains!

Miorine was barely paying attention to the messages now. They were all rude nonsense anyway. She had fantastic glutes, thank you – this ass was tight enough to bounce a coin off. And hell yes she wanted to show it off to everyone!

“Hard body, soft mind!”

Exactly! Mmn, she really loved working out like this. Feeling her muscles thicken, her body tighten, her head hollow, it felt so good…

Okay, next exercise. Normally she just did a set of squats, but honestly, she was feeling energized today. She was in the zone. She felt like she could keep this up all day as the next message started to play.

“Work it, slut, feel the burn!”

Hell yes! God, it was so good! This was why she was in the gym every day, all day! Pushing her limits, building her body, it made her so wet. She looked so good, so strong, and all she wanted to do was show it off. Hell, the only reason to ever leave the gym at all was to show off her fantastic gains!

“Forget all about-”

“Miss Rembran!”

“Huh?” Miorine looked up, the spell breaking. Her secretary stood at the door, a concerned look on her face.

“Sorry to burst in, Miss Rembran, but you weren’t answering your phone, and you’re late for your meeting.”

“My- Oh shit.” It was like her head had just been dunked in cold water. Suddenly all of those good feelings, that adrenaline rush, all of it abandoned her. Her muscles burned, her joints ached, and absolutely none of that mattered because she was late.

The diminutive CEO was already striding out the door before she’d even realised she was moving, barking orders as she went. “Get me a ride outside and ready right now, and phone ahead to let them know I’ll be late – I’ll apologise personally in the car!”

Of course in her rush she still hadn’t even thought about removing her earphones…

And so, here she was. Still dressed in her workout clothes, having not had time to get changed, and still with the glistening sheen of sweat on her skin if you looked closely – which no one would, if they knew what was good for them.

Ugh, how had this happened? How had she gotten so distracted during her workout that she’d almost forgotten her actual job? Was she just that much of a muscle bunny?

… Whatever. She was hear now, at least. Sure, she was still mishearing people, for whatever reason – but with a little focus and a lot of will, she could overcome that. Her earphones were still crackling, but she’d been through worse.

Miorine’s fingers tapped against the desk as she tried to focus and listen. It was hard, but she was determined to do it. The faster she got past these stupid earphones, the sooner this meeting could end, and she could get herself sorted out.

She had a gym session to get back to, after all…


Request: So the character is an OC named Lana. She's a 37 year old businesswoman, mother of 2, with shoulder length blonde hair, big boobs, a toned body, and light muscles. So like a light six pack, some muscles on her arms, etc.   She has kind of a bitchy, overly important, easily annoyed personality.   She ends up being summoned for a hypnosis show and insults the Hypnotist, saying it was all fake and that she was only there because she won tickets. The hypnotist doesn't take kindly to this and hypnotizes her. He then has her strip and do and say a bunch of humiliating stuff, which the audience gets really into.  We end with the hypnotist programming her to be his assistant and sex slave, before sending her home for the night with the programming to come back for following shows as his assistant to humiliate in front of crowds.


Lana didn’t get out of the house very often. That wasn’t really her fault – with a hectic job and two children to look after, there just wasn’t time in her life for that kind of thing. The best she could manage was a trip to the gym in the mornings three times a week while the kids were at school. And that really just didn’t count at all.

So when the blonde found tickets to ‘Master Mesmoro’s Magical Mesmerism Masterclass’ in an envelope pushed through her letterbox, she really didn’t question them very much. Or, well, at all, to be honest. She wanted a break, this was an excuse, and she was going to take it come hell or high walker. Her partner could handle the kids for an evening – she was going out on the town with a friend or two, and she was going to enjoy herself, damnit. There would be entertainment, there would be wine, and there would be good goddamn times.

With three tickets, she maybe could have brought the kids, or her husband, but there was no way she was doing that. Instead, she called up two friends she hadn’t seen in far too long, and invited them to join her at the theatre.

“So who is ‘Master Mesmoro’, anyway?” The first to arrive – Sarah, a brunette in a blue sweater with what Lana affectionately called a ‘mom bod’ – asked, looking with surprise at the rather lengthy line for the performance. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of him before.”

“Who knows?” Lana shrugged, flicking her mid-length hair back over her shoulder. “Some weirdo. I’m just out here for the atmosphere.”

She’d chosen to wear a nice black dress out for the night’s occasion, both to wear something pretty, and to show herself off. She’d always been pretty proud of her body, something that she felt she’d earned that with how hard she worked to keep it in shape. Sure, she wasn’t a muscle-bound freak who spent all her time pumping weights, but she did have some muscles in her arms. Dare she say, even a light six-pack. Yeah, she worked out, and it showed~

“It’s interesting…” The last arrival, Mary, was considering the crowds too. “I think I’ve heard of this guy. He’s not really famous, but people who see his show once tend to come again and again. Real reliable audience. Guess he must he doing something right.”

Mary was the ‘cute’ one of their little group. Shorter than the other two by half a foot, and with a sweet looking face, complimented by her long red hair, she was just one of those people that it was easy to trust. She didn’t have anywhere near the large chest that Lana had though, the blonde was always eager to note to herself. Yeah, she was the kind of person who always made sure she was superior to her friends in some fashion or other…

“As long as there’s food and drink with the entertainment, honestly, I don’t really care what they put on.” The blonde shrugged as they joined the queue. “I’m sure I’ll enjoy it either way.”

Well it turned out that Lana was wrong about that. It turned out there were some things that she did care about after all! And when ‘Master Mesmoro’ strode out on stage, the deep creases in her brow told everyone else that this was one of them. “Wait, what the hell is that guy wearing?”

“Mesmoro?” Her friends blinked and looked up from their table near the front of the room. “Kind of what you’d expect, right?”

He was, indeed, wearing what you’d expect for a man named Mesmoro. A stage magician’s tuxedo, a black top hat, even a handlebar moustache and a monocle! He looked every bit the stereotypical stage hypnotist.

“Oh ew.” The blonde’s face twisted like she’d just bitten into something foul. “Is this some kind of hypnosis crap? Everyone knows that’s fake, right?”

Her friends laughed. “What, you couldn’t tell just from the name?” Mary asked, looking incredulous. “He’s called Mesmoro. Of course it’s a hypnotist act!”

Lana folded her arms, trying not to look embarrassed at being caught ignorant. “W-well anyone could have a name like that! I thought it was going to be a variety act, not something stupid like hypnosis. That’s just some stupid nonsense they put on TV, no one sensible believes in it. Absolutely hogwash, and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.” She stuck her nose up in the air. “Honestly, I wouldn’t even be here if I hadn’t won tickets anyway.”

“Oh? Is that so?” A new voice intruded on their private conversation. Looking up, the three women found they had attracted the attention of the man on stage. Master Mesmoro himself was standing above them, grinning. “Well, sorry to disappoint you miss, but I promise, once we get started, you’ll find yourself entertained.”

Now, many people would have quieted down around this point. Maybe nodded, or apologised, or said something to make the situation a little less awkward. Not Lana though. No, she was on this train until the end.

“Hah!” She snorted. “There’s no chance of that, chuckles. You just take your dollar-store moustache off and leave me to my wine, and I’ll try not to heckle you too badly while you do your silly fake shenanigans.”

Strangely, the man didn’t seem offended. No, he just looked amused. “If you’re so sure they’re fake, Miss, would you like to come up here and demonstrate?”

Was he really… Oho! Well maybe this could be fun after all! “Sure!” Lana grinned, getting to her feet. “I’ll happily show everyone what a fraud you are.”

“Wha- Lana, sit down!” Sarah tried to pull her back into her seat. “Don’t do anything stupid, we’re just here to have fun.”

“Shh, don’t worry.” The blonde grinned as she slipped out of her grip and hopped up on stage. “I’m going to have plenty of fun making a mockery of this bozo~”

And despite her friends protests, she strode up in front of everyone and planted her hands on her well defined hips, giving Memoro a taunting grin. “Well? Do your worst.”

“Very well.” The mesmerist chuckled, his grin every bit the equal of hers as he pulled a pendant out of his breast pocket. “As you wish. If you’d just take a look at this pretty gem of mine…”

Lana rolled her eyes. “Yep, just like I thought. This is exactly your problem. All these stupid props and ridiculous costumes…”

The pendant began to swing. “As you focus on it, see the glitter and shine of the light leave a trail as it swings through the air…”

“Follow the pendant?” She raised an eyebrow. “Well that’d be a lot easier if you weren’t swinging it about all over the place, Mesmoron. And I mean it’s not that pretty, I can tell that it’s a fake crystal…” She smirked, hearing a chuckle ripple through the audience, even though she kept her focus on the pendant.

“… Swinging back and forth… back and forth…” Mesmero was still at it. Honestly, just listening to him go was starting to feel exhausting. “Enjoy its relaxing arch… It’s tiring march… that gentle feeling of weight building in your eyelids…”

Lana stifled a yawn. “Yeah, yeah, the usual speel, right? I’m feeling very sleepy or whatever…” Another laugh from the audience.

Undeterred, the hypnotist continued his patter. “Now, I am going to count down from three, and with every number, you’ll feel sleepier and sleepier…” He raised his free hand, fingers poised. “Until I snap my fingers, and you can’t resist any more… You’ll fall into a deep, thoughtless trance…”

Okay, she was getting bored now. Time to put an end to it. “So what, you’re just going to snap your fingers, and you really think I’m gunna-”


Lana’s head dropped, her eyes slamming shut as her chin came to rest against her chest, her soft snores starting to echo through the theatre. She was out like a light.

There was a moment of surprise, and then a wave of cheers and applause filled the air, the audience loving the show already. Mesmero grinned, taking a bow, while Lana remained oblivious, swaying and snoring into her chest.

“Is she really out?” Mary looked to Sarah, who shrugged with a laugh.

“Guess so. Quick, take photos~”

Up on stage, the show continued. The hypnotist pocketed his pendant and walked up to his snoozing assistant. “So, miss, I think we got off on the wrong foot. What did you say your name was, again?”

“Lana…” The blonde answered, her voice slow and dazed, eyes still firmly shut. “My name is Lana…”

“And would you describe yourself as a business woman or a family woman, would you say?”

“Mmmn… Both…” She was still practically snoring. “Work full time… Two kids… and a husband…”

“Oho! The full package, eh?” The moustached man winked out to the audience. “Well, that’ll never do for my new assistant, so from now on, your name is Fredrica Funbags, understand?” He snapped his fingers.

The blonde’s lips curled in surprise, her eyes fluttering under her eyelids, before she nodded. “Yes Master… My name is… Fredrica Funbags…”

“Good. Forget all about that boring old life of yours – you’re just my sexy showtime assistant, and you always have been. Got it?” Another snap.

She nodded, a smile growing on her face as her memories vanished from her head. “Yes Master. I’m just your sexy showtime assistant.”

“Perfect! Now, let’s give these fine ladies and gentlemen a show, hm?” He tipped his hat to the audience. “Strip and show yourself off, Freddie!”

“Yes Master!” The blonde’s eyes opened, now utterly glazed, and a wide smile spread on her face. It was clear there wasn’t any resistance in her head at all – and it grew even clearer as she slid herself out of her black dress, leaving it pooled on the floor, and her in just her (practical) underwear.

“Huh?” Down in front of the stage, Sarah was starting to frown, while Mary’s eyes narrowed. “Hey, wait a second…”

“Yeah, that’s completely-”

“Have a look here, ladies.” Suddenly, the crystal pendant was swinging in front of their faces. “Be good girls and enjoy the show without thinking or speaking in three two one…”



The two slumped in their chairs, blank smiles on their faces, heads empty, mouths closed.

“Much better.” The hypnotist returned his attention to the show proper, clapping his hands together. “So where were we…?”

By now, ‘Freddie’ was completely naked, her clothes tossed aside, underwear discarded, even her shoes kicked away. She stood, bare as the day she’d been born, in front of the appreciative eyes of the audience, hands proudly posed on her hips, legs slightly spread. Even hypnotised, she was eager to show off her abs.

“That’s a good girl.” Mesmoro nodded, before turning to the audience. “Although, I think she owes an apology, doesn’t she?”

There were enthusiastic cheers from the crowds.

“Exactly. So, Freddie – if you could apologise to me, and to everyone else here, for being an arrogant bitch and a moron for doubting the power of hypnosis, please?” Another snap.

The blonde nodded, immediately straightening up bowing down low. “I’m so sorry! I’m just an airheaded imbecile who thinks she’s soooo much smarter than she really is. I thought I could get one over on everyone and prove how smart I was, but instead all I did was make an utter fool of myself. Master Memoro is truly the greatest hypnotist who ever lived, and everyone in the audience is so much smarter than I could ever be. I’m such a massive moron!”

The cheers grew louder, thunderous applause storming through the room as the audience hooted and hollered. This was exactly the kind of show they’d come to see.

“There there, Freddie. I’m sure you can make it up to us. How about you do a little dance to entertain everyone?”

“Of course, Master!” She snapped back upright, and immediately jumped into a ballet like sequence, something she may have learned in some classes back when she was a child. And it was very clear she hadn’t practiced in at least a couple of decades. Her movements were clumsy, her kicks unbalancing, and more than once she ended up flat on her ass, only to bounce right back up…

But the audience, happily, ate it up. By the clapping and the laughter, you could tell they were having the time of their lives!

Finally, Mesmoro brought her performance to an end with another snap of his fingers. “And now,” he said, chuckling, “that we’ve established just how eager to please my new assistant is, how about we have some requests from the audience? Any takers?”

“Make her act like a cow!”

“You heard the man, Freddie.”

“Yes Master~” She dropped to all fours, her breasts swinging beneath her as she crawled along the stage. “Mmmoooooo!!!”

Uproarious laughter rolled through the theatre – and then the requests started to come in thick and heavy. Everyone had some humiliating punishment for the dumb blonde who’d almost interrupted the show.

Mesmoro grinned. Oh yes. This one was definitely a keeper.

Alas, all good things had to end sometime.

“I’m afraid that’s all we’ve had time for today,” the great hypnotist told a disappointed audience, as Freddie finished her last chicken dance. “We can’t take up the stage all night, sadly! But if you want to see more, we’ll be back tomorrow, and every day for the rest of the month!”

There was a round of applause – the crowd thankful for this evening of fine entertainment. And of course, there were wolf whistles for the naked blonde at his side.

“Ah, you’re curious about my assistant?” Mesmoro chuckled. “Will Freddie be here? Well… Trance time, Freddie.”

He snapped his fingers, and instantly, the blonde’s head dropped once more. Her eyes closed, and her mind emptied of all save for her Master’s commands.

Mesmoro stepped up next to her, his loud, firm voice echoing through the silent theatre. “Listen, and obey: You are, and will always be, my lovely assistant (and adoring sex slave) Freddie Funbags. But when you’re not with me on stage, or under my command, your memories will fade, and you will think you are a self-important woman named Lana. You’ll go back to Lana’s life, and live like you’re her – until it’s time for my next performance. Then you’ll come right back to this theatre, sit yourself in the front row… And you can be Freddie again. Understand?”

There was a wide, sleepy smile on the blonde’s face. “Yes… Master…”


“That show was better than I thought it’d be.” Mary was smiling as she flowed out of the theatre with the rest of the evening crowd. She couldn’t really remember the show very clearly, but she knew that she’d enjoyed it.

“Yeah, who’dve thought hypnosis could be so interesting!” Sarah nodded beside her, equally sure she’d enjoyed the experience, and equally oblivious to anything said experience might have involved. “… What did you think, Lana?”

“Psh.” And with them, the ever pretentious blonde just shrugged and rolled her eyes. “It was just silly claptrap, like I thought it’d be. Everyone knows hypnosis is fake, right? I don’t know what the point of any that was.”

Both of her friends grinned – amused for reasons they couldn’t entirely explain.

“Haha, maybe you should volunteer next time, huh?” Mary nudged her.

That got a snort out of Lana. “Me? Volunteer? Nah. Although…” She couldn’t help but smirk as she thought about it. “That’d show them though, wouldn’t it? After all...” The blonde’s grin turned smug. “There’s no way I could ever be hypnotised~”


Request: April 1st, the best day for pranking gullible idiots. Thankfully, Weiss was not one. That was until Ruby sends her a file on her scroll, that was supposed to be a harmless joke. Instead, it showed the word GULLIBLE with flashing lights and a shock. Unknown to either Ruby or Weiss, the file was hacked by someone and now Weiss is the most gullible person ever. She will believe anything. ANYTHING…


Weiss stared at her desk with the flattest expression an ice queen could manage – and by the brothers, they could go flat. There, in front of her, was a package. It was a package that she had not left there last night, and, despite the… chaotic attempt at wrapping it, she could, if she tilted her head, look through the gaps in the seams and see the glitter bomb that lurked within.

“I hate this stupid holiday,” she grumbled, summoning a rune to sweep the trapped box into the bin, slamming the lid shut just in time to prevent glitter from going everywhere. Everywhere, in this case, meaning the dorm room that she shared with her teammates, one of whom was almost certainly responsible for the mess she’d just averted.

Yeah, April 1st was just the worst. Lies and deceit reigned on the campus of Beacon, where idiots thought it would be a good idea to prank their fellow students instead of focusing on their studies to become the next generation of Hunters and Huntresses. She’d put up with it for four years at this school now. Hmph. Well if everyone else wanted to waste their time with games instead of studying for the exam tomorrow, that was on them!

Weiss Schnee was no fool though. And she wasn’t going to engage with any of this nonsense.

Then her scroll beeped as she sat down, and the heiress groaned. What now? Couldn’t everyone just leave her alone and let her get on with her- huh?

She’d pulled her scroll out while complaining, and seen that the message she’d received was from Ruby, opening it without thinking. She’d expected a desperate plea for help with studying, or maybe a tale of a prank gone wrong, but instead, what she got was-


The word flashed before her eyes in alternating red and white. Her entire scroll was vibrating, and as she held it she felt a shock running down her arm, shooting up her spine and up into her brain. She felt like she was frozen, staring at the screen, the flashing word printing itself onto her brain over and over and over and…

She blinked. Suddenly, it was over. Her scroll was on the floor, its screen broken, and she could move again.

“What… What the hell was that?” She shook her head, reaching down to pick up her broken device. “Damnit, this was a new model! When I find out who did this, I’m going to-!”

“Hey Weiss did you like my prank?!” Ruby burst into the room in a shower of petals, waving her scroll around like a maniac. “I found this super cool prank site online and they said that file’d sucker anyone! And… And… Uh… Heeey, Weiss, what happened to your scroll? Aheh…?”

The dark haired huntress’s good cheer drained quickly as she absorbed the situation. Almost as quickly as Weiss’s fury built! It was amazing how in sync they were, really. She rose to her feet, a storm building on her face. “Ruuuubbbbbyyyyyyy…!”

“Ah, um.” Ruby backed up – accidentally putting her back to the door and slamming it shut, cutting off her escape. “W-well… Ahah, um… C-come on Weiss, you can’t be mad at me! It was an accident!”

“You-!” Suddenly, Weiss cut herself off. Huh. It was true – she couldn’t be mad at Ruby. Of course she couldn’t. Such a thing was completely impossible. In an instant, she felt all of her building rage just… vanish, burst like a popped balloon. The white haired huntress just found herself blinking, unsure about what she’d just been doing, closing in on her partner like that. Obviously, it couldn’t be because she was mad at her for breaking her stuff – it was an accident, just like she said! “Oh. Well. Okay then.”

Even Ruby was surprised at her sudden loss of steam. “Uh. Weiss? Are you okay?”

The heiress sighed, turning around and flipping her hair. Just because she wasn’t angry didn’t mean she couldn’t be, you know, herself. “I’m fine. Just a little surprised, I suppose. And you owe me a new scroll.” Yep, not mad, just Weiss.

“Awh~” Suddenly she was grabbed from behind by that most awful of assaults – a hug! “I knew you’d forgive me! Ah, aren’t you glad that we’re bestest best friends?”

“Ruby get- Ooohh…” Once again, the heiress went to yell at her partner, only to trail off. Why would she yell at her bestest best friend, after all? They’d always been this close, ever since… E-ever since… Um… Well, they just had been, okay? Ruby had said it, so it must be true. She smiled, accepting her friend’s embrace. “I mean… Yeah… Really glad…”

This should have been a warning sign. A gigantic flaring siren light going off. Weiss Schnee, actually accepting a hug? No no no, something was clearly wrong with this picture. But Ruby… Well, she was an innocent girl, and innocent girls did not look gift horses in the mouth! If Weiss was going to be nice, she was going to ride this for all it was worth.

“Great!” She let her newly confirmed BFF (Of course she’d known that’s what they were for years) go and spun her around, grinning. “Then you can help me with my next prank for Blake and Yang!”

“I can?” The heiress frowned. Sure, she wanted to help her bestie, but…

“Yeah! Trust me, you’ll enjoy it once we start~”

“Oh, okay.” Well that was that, then. Weiss trusted Ruby implicitly, of course. If she said she’d enjoy it, then obviously she would. “What do we do?”

“Well first…” Ruby released her and zipped across the room, over to the closet. “We need to get you a costume! Heh, those two will never believe you’re in on a prank~ Luckily, I was prepared for just this such occasion…”

“Um…” Okay, this was actually starting to sound like a bad idea. A costume? Her? She was Weiss Schnee! She wasn’t about to put on some humiliating outfit… Although, Ruby said she’d enjoy it, so that had to be true…

“Let me see… Oh, ha! How about this one?” Ruby pulled out a nurse’s outfit clearly designed for Yang, judging by the size of the chest. Yeah, she’d worn it to a costume party a few weeks back to try to flirt with a girl she liked there. Judging by the puns she’d made after she got back, it had worked out for her. That said…

“I don’t think it would fit me,” Weiss said, still not entirely sure why she was going along with this.

“Oh, it’d fit just fine,” Ruby said, oblivious to both her partner’s odd condition, and how bra sizes worked, apparently. “It’s just not your style. I’ll keep looking.”

Weiss barely heard her. Her head was still caught on the reaper’s first answer. ‘It’d fit fine’, she’d said. ‘It’d fit fine’. There was no way that should have been true. It had been fitted for Yang, and that girl had been blessed by growth spurt after growth spurt over their years in Beacon, somehow all pouring straight into her chest. Weiss, meanwhile, was still barely this side of concave, at least according to her self-esteem.

But Ruby said it would fit, so clearly it had to. Her breasts must have been much larger than she thought.

And as that realisation occurred to her, suddenly, it was true! Her chest swelled up, her body just as malleable as her mind. Her jacket started losing buttons, popping them clear across the room as her tits inflated and stretched the garment, soon giving her a healthy pair of DDs, at least.

But all of that new mass had to come from somewhere. The white haired huntress’s eyes crossed, her lips drawing into a soft ‘o’ shape as she felt a soft sucking sensation in her head. Her thoughts slowed down, her mind thickening just a touch, as much of her mental energy was rerouted to her now very jiggly chest…

“How abooout… this!” Meanwhile Ruby, still oblivious, pulled out another costume. This one was one of Blake’s. A vampire costume she’d worn for Halloween. The skirt, in particular, had really drawn attention that year…

“I… I, uh…” Weiss tried to pull herself together. It was hard with how slow her thoughts had gotten. “I dunno? Like, Blake’s way wider than me downstairs…” That was a polite way of putting it. Blake’s Belladonna booty was the stuff of legends on campus.

N-not that Weiss was jealous or anything-!

“Oh, nonsense!” Ruby giggled, waving off her friend’s completely accurate point with cheer that could only come from blissful ignorance. “She isn’t at all. In fact, I bet you’re the bigger one! You’ve got the biggest ass in all of Beacon, so there.” She stuck her tongue out, somehow misinterpreting Weiss’s embarrassed compliment towards Blake as an insult, and responding in kind.

It hardly mattered to Weiss though. Once again, she felt that soft suction in her mind, sucking down her thoughts and sending them down to her ass. Once again, she felt the warm sensation of swelling, her skirt stretching as her cheeks grew thick and wide – until she really was bigger than Blake down there. Heck, she’d turned into a total hourglass over the course of this conversation!

“Anyways, don’t be jealous, partner!” Ruby continued, still routing through the closet. Now she seemed to have decided the heiress’s strange behaviour was just insecurity. “Think about it. Boobs like Yang’s and hips like Blake’s? Only a total bimbo would have those. It’d be unfair otherwise!”

Weiss blinked. Then she looked down at herself. Boing. There were Yang sized boobs. Sway. There were Blake sized hips. Which meant… Which meant…

“Oooohhh…” If her thoughts had been thickening before, now was them setting into pure, rock solid cement. The reaper’s innocent (ish) words hit her straight between the eyes, and snuffed out any chance of intelligence being found behind them. A wide, stupid smile spread over her face, a small line of drool trickling down her chin as her boobs and butt swelled up another couple of sizes, to proper, proud, bimbo levels of bounce. She was a bimbo, after all. Ruby had said it, so it must be true!

“Sorry this is taking so long,” the reaper’s voice drifted out from the closet as she dug deeper into it. “I really didn’t expect you to agree, so it’s taking a bit.” How many costumes did she have back there?!

“Oh, it’s totally fine,” Weiss giggled, hands exploring her bouncy bimbo body. Grope here, squeeze there - Ohhh, that felt good~ “But, like, can you hurry up? I’m super horny and you’re, like, making me stand around not getting fucked or anything!”

Ruby snorted – possibly not quite hearing what her partner was saying. “Oh, you love me really,” she called. “

Yep. Definitely didn’t hear it.

Weiss, on the other hand, could hear every word. They were so loud in her head they were practically overwriting her thoughts – what few thoughts she actually had, anyway. She loved her really… She loved her really… She loved her really…

This one, at least, didn’t make her brain shrink as it came true. It couldn’t get much smaller anyway. Instead, the statement, made carelessly and without regard for the consequences, rewrote Weiss Schnee in her entirety. Everything about her was demolished and rebuilt from the ground up to be all about Ruby Rose. She loved her. She loved everything about her.

Sure, until three seconds ago, she’d thought they were just kind of friends, or begrudging acquaintances, but she’d been completely wrong! Ruby Rose was the love of her life, and she’d do anything for her. Help her study. Wear a stupid costume. Bankrupt a small nation. Anything. Her head was filled with fantasies of nothing but her sweet, silly, stupidly sexy rose…

And since she was already a horny bimbo, most of those fantasies were incredibly lewd, and they were starting to make her outright drip. Mmmn, forget about this stupid costume prank, they could just, like, get to fucking right here and now! Licking her lips, the heiress took a jiggly step forward, eyes locked on Ruby’s booty…

When the reaper let out a whoop of joy. “Aha! Here we go!” She spun out of the closet with a black and white costume in her hands, her eyes focused on that, rather than the big boobed bimbo next to her. “Here’s your costume. You’re a cow, Weiss! A nice, cute, moo moo cow~”

She grinned, pressing the costume against her partner’s front – and only then noticing that not everything was as she expected. Squinting, she peered at the white haired woman, trying to work out what had changed (the most obvious parts having been hidden by the cow costume…)

But by now any part of Weiss’s brain that could even comprehend the idea of disagreeing had been thoroughly drained, turned into bouncing boobs or thick cheeks. So as this new truth arrived, there was no confusion or wonder. She just shrugged and nodded. She was a cow? Okay then!

The changes were swift and without mercy. Small horns poked up through her hair as a thin tail sprouted out of her tailbone and waved over her ass. Her tits swelled up another cup size, sloshing as they bounced, now filled with milk. She fell to her knees, looking up at her lover/owner with utter adoration as she accepted her new truth wholly and completely.

The nice, cute, dumb little horny bimbo moo moo cow took a deep breath, and let out the cry screaming from her simplified soul. “MMMMMOOOOOO!”

“Wow.” Ruby stared in shock, her jaw slack, the huntress unsure of what the hell was going on. She ended up saying the first thing to pop into her head. “You… really got into the spirit of this, didn’t you?”

“Moo~” Weiss agreed. She’d never heard a truer word.


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