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Finally here is Part 2 of the Real-Time Painting video!

I hope you’ll like it <3

The reference photo is attached below


Real-Time Painting | Part 2


Jasmin Reneé

I completely understand! I have noticed in your work theres visible brush strokes left while other parts are nicely smoothed, I think thats a great balance between realism and having your work still look like a painting texturial wise. Thank you so much for your help and timely response!

Alejandro Las

Hello Daria. Congrats for such a wonderful work! and THANK YOU for making it available to us. I would like to know if you ever let your painting dry before you add another layer to work on fine details, the background, etc. Looking forward to getting your answer! Thanks again!!!

Daria Callie

Hi Alejandro, thank you for joining my Patreon! (and for your nice comment)! To answer your question, yes I do that sometimes. Please check out this post where I talk a bit more about my process: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-approach-to-22294495 Hope this helps!