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Having french toast tomorrow and I'm pretty excited about it. It's been a while since I've made some and while I didn't find the kind of bread I wanted, it is sure to be an excellent time nonetheless.

Since last week as so packed with announcements, I decided that a recap would be more significant than a random poll this week.

Hanaja's Body 2 in One - OC Cameo Contest!

Ending THIS Friday, the OC Cameo Contest is still active and going strong. We have a lot of entries so far! For those of you familiar with the one we did a few years ago with the first Hanaja's Body game, it's pretty much the same.

  1. Head on over to Twitter or Bluesky.
  2. Follow both Zinovia and myself.
  3. Like and Retweet/Repost the post.
  4. Fill out this form.

You don't even have to subscribe or anything either. Amazing. Truly amazing!

Lustfall Update 9 - PUBLIC RELEASE!

The wait is nearly over for those waiting for the FREE release of Lustfall's Update 9. With some extra CGs sprinkled in between this and the early access version, the time to wait is nearly over.

Of course, you can get it right now if you're impatient by subscribing. ;)


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