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Time really flies! It's already April, Easter is over and we march on towards another hot summer. Hopefully with less deadly viruses this year. All that said, this is a busy month! The artwork for VB2 is coming along faster than expected and I have been having a cap put in over one of my teeth (NOT FUN! DO NOT RECOMMEND!) so I am feeling the PRESSURE! Luckily, I can assure you that pressure or not, VB2 is looking to be far better than the first one and I am super excited to continue working on it.


With the release of Update 5, I am hoping to bring in some fresh faces to boost the Patreon level and hopefully crush the next milestone. If that happens, I will be able to easily add a new transformation to VB2 and finally upgrade the look and feel of those Battle Cards in Lustfall. These are both things that I want to happen so I am counting on Lustfall's latest update to convert a few newcomers.

Aside from updating the readme and Patron Man dialogue to account for new subs (and a key item duplication bug), Update 5 is good to go public next Monday. This means that I will be going into marketing mode Monday and pushing it (and updating it) across all the sites that I want to promote it on. It's always the most "work" like part of these releases but also one of the most important part.

Veronica's Body (Victoria's Body 2)

This is the real reason why most of you are here. It's been a lot of hard work and getting the groundwork built out but I have some stuff to show off. It's really good art too! Please keep in mind that this is still a WIP and some stuff shown is obviously not complete and will change.

The combat! The combat system is what I've spent a long time changing and is probably the biggest gameplay innovation from the first game. As you can see, Veronica on the right has a very similar combat UI to Victoria with an obvious exception: the TF bars.

Each of these four (4) bars represent each area of Veronica that can be transformed. As she is hit by attacks (or sometimes by her own abilities), this will fill up. Once the bar reaches 100%, it will trigger a TF based on the attack that was just used. Usually this means that she will transform into the same thing as her enemy like what happened with Victoria in the first game... but not always!

You'll also notice that the "range" icon above the enemy is back again. This works the same way (Range - Close, Range - Far) in the sense that some attacks work better in close range while some attacks work better at a distance.

Another exciting addition to the combat is passive skills. These skills have various effects, and each type of TF has one passive. These enhance the themes of each TF and rewards players of their understanding of how each TF type functions. 

In the screen shot above, Veronica has the "Airhead" passive which opens her up to damage from the sexual element but makes her immune to status effects. Many of the Doll transformations other abilities are powerful attacks that inflict debuffs on both her and her opponent. With this ability, however, she can use the skills without fear of debuffing herself. Talk about value!

A little more of what you can expect. Who needs a castle when you have a small world to explore instead? This world map screen above features several different and wonderful locations to visit, each one with a main theme of transformation like the wings of Victoria's Castle in the first game. The map is sepia tone (kinda like an irl map) at first, but the areas become colored in as you unlock them. As for the actual areas, they are in color so there's no need to worry!

I've also put in some features to make the game go a bit quicker. For dialogue, there is a fast skip button that you can hold down and super speed past it all. You can also turn off the battle text that comes up when you are transformed or hit with some attacks so that it doesn't disrupt the flow of combat for those who have no interest in the extra flavor.

OH! I nearly forgot. One final thing I wanted to bring up since it was something that I found and implemented on a whim last week:

In game ACHIEVEMENTS! Not just for Steam players anymore. This achievement script I found is pretty legit (Get it here: https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/waynee95s-achievements-plugin.107432/) and allows for different types of achievements. The "Story" category is a list of achievements that you'll get by progressing through the game. The "Challenges" are achievements of various difficulties that unlock with special conditions. Some are easy/fun while others, like the one in this screenshot, are for those looking to punish themselves.


Real life is going to cost me a handful of working days this month. Between a family visit from out of state and steps 2 & 3 of getting that cap put on my back tooth, there are simply going to be some days that I can't go overtime on. That being said, I am still aiming for a release of Veronica's Body sometime in May.

The artwork is nearly complete, well ahead of schedule, so I might put some extras in there depending on my budget. I really want Veronica's Body to be the gold standard of what kind of quality lewd games people can expect. That means that I have to polish it well and continue to innovate and improve with each game and with each release of Lustfall.

For all of you at this tier, thank you so much for your support! Veronica's Body is only happening because of fans like you and the extra support is helping to make it many times better, more exciting and more arousing than the first game. I know you'll love it!

Let me end things off with another type of tease. The artist for Veronica's Body, Zinovia, works on the art for the game on her Picarto Stream. If you follow her stream, there's a good chance that you will see her work on the art for the game.


That's it for me for this week. I want to make a lot of progress before my next dentist appointment this weekend so it's time to refill the coffee and get back to the grind!

This is THE Sub Supreme signing off.

Stay safe, stay kinky~



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