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DISCLAIMER: This event is for the purpose of having fun. Don't be 'that' guy. There will be more guesses like this each day. This is my page anniversary and we will have a lot of stuff happening this month.


  • Take a guess of who is this character. Everyone who participates will be in a raffle. Each post will have a raffle (there will be multiple posts).

  • If you guess right you will have 2 tickets.

  • The theme of this event is April Fools' so be prepared.

  • The raffles will have different prizes each day.

  • Today's prize is: Pick a character and I'll do between 8-12 images (this will be out of daily posts). I will discuss this with the winner.

  • In the reveal post there will be an extra NSFW image.

  • Please if you want to comment anything more, use the same comment from the guess or reply to yourself.

Have fun!




Marin Kitagawa