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I was planning to have the next set (March 7th) finished tonight but there will be a small delay because NovelAI is unavailable for the next 12 hours due to emergency maintenance.

Very sorry!!

Edit: I've been trying to do 2 sets a week, at the moment it'll likely be 1 set this week (March 7th) since I don't think I can finish an entire set on Saturday, and I'll do my absolute best to pump out 3 sets next week, but I don't want to compromise on quality in exchange for speed. I will "catch-up" to the total sets ASAP though!



I've been wishing for another March 7th set, so this got me hiped up ahah take your time! quality > quantity


Cancelled my membership for a bit due to financial reason (im good now). But seeing new March 7th is more than worth it now! Can't wait >=<