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Chapter 12 has been coded, and just like Neil's chapter 12, it's about a masquerade ball! This one is more time-appropriate haha.

I have also finished writing Aiden's side story, which is his point of view of chapter 7 (the reveal). Now I just need to code it into the game! Then we can finally release Gray's as well as Aiden's DLC on Steam.

Moonstone Remix
More coding being done on the GUI, and I sketched out the design for the antagonist of the game; Youri. After all, everyone who's ever played an online game has come across an asshole. This will be Youri, he will constantly butt heads with you and your party. Tried to make him as edgy as possible!

Other than that, I'm taking a week off because not only is it my birthday (the 11th), but I'm getting married this week as well! Time to relax.


Sasha Green

🎊Happy Birthday 🎉 and congratulations on your wedding ❤️ Enjoy your well deserved break !!


You need to stop making attractive side characters because now I want to romance Youri 😭