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Ahhhh man this just keeps on getting BETTER and better. Love and appreciate you guys for the patience while I was recovering from being sick, but let's go new episode, and next one coming in 2 days!

Let me know what you thought of this one down below!

~ Lok



Watch "IOTNBO Ep. 5" on Streamable.


Jana Bcles

I am just soooo excited that you like it so much! I know a lot of dramas are overhyped but this is truly a lot of ppl top 5 including myself. Ive watched so many dramas since then but nothing hits the same 😭


I paused the video to give my two cents on Juri lol. My perspective- of Juri's perspective is that she's been caring for Moonyoung's father for a long time and it's probably more protective of him and Gangtae than it is jealously. I just don't think she gets the appeal of Moonyoung and I think anyone in her position would be confused by how the people she cares about she something in her that she right now isn't able to see. Juri is a gentle soul, I think, and when paired with fire sometimes it's hard to see eye to eye. Moonyoung isn't an easily likeable character, my husband hated her for like half the series and didn't see the appeal other than her being attractive, he sided with Juri and even side "nice guys finish last, for girls too" and I thought that was interesting. He came around but your discussion about perspective is so funny because of how we experienced the show watching it lol. Anyways, I'll hush now and keep watching!!


Very true man! Yeah I think much the same hey - I think more along the lines that like, Juri, like all of us can be / is a gentle person, but she too has her faults and can be prone to throwing tantrums or even being upset about not getting what she wants (if that makes sense?) and until this episode I'd seen her more just as the 'nice girl next door' type, but these outbursts and her expressions of her emotions made her I think a lot more human to me than a kdrama trope in general haha. I feel you big time though man - I want her to be happy! I just thought it was cool that I finally got to change my own view of her if that makes sense, but also I think the way you and your husband saw her / moonyoung is perfectly understandable too man! Thanks so much for watching and commenting!!