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Greetings adventurers!

There are all manner of individuals who will worship anything from the flaming ball of gas in the sky to the bugs that crawl on the leaves outside. I have seen all manner of those dedicated to their beliefs in whatever deity is their flight of fancy. Those dedicated to the moon though, are a special kind of excitable. It seems that one of such revenant pursuits dedicated themselves to making a weapon to match their particular leanings, even taking the shape itself from the holy body that they sought to worship. I will admit the functionality is something to behold. Just don’t get lost in the phase change.

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Design notes from Matthew:
When it comes to low level weaponry, I’ve found the best thing to do is shy away from direct power via damage. Certainly you can still lean into the +1 as that’s a pretty basic upgrade, but beyond that you should offer battlefield options as opposed to straight damage or condition application. That can be a hard thing to conceive though. How exactly do I offer options on the battlefield? Well for me, one of the greatest things you can offer is mobility.

I began with the idea of a crescent shaped dagger, but as I looked at it more, it was obvious we had a sickle on our hands. I know this presents some problems when it comes to the 5E rogue (and the stunning lack of finesse on the 5E sickle), but then I realized that could actually offer an offhand weapon to keep it away from rogues and open options to perhaps other classes should they want to use it. I was kind of fine with that in the end as I feel like light weapons get a bit overlooked for others and there’s nothing saying a cleric couldn’t love this just as much.

The actual cloud mechanic was a bit of a challenge to figure out how it would all fit together. There’s a lot of ways you can treat linked portals. I think many would choose to balance around distance between portals, but I thought that it was a bit silly to do that when you can make it a combat utility only by triggering it off of hitting an enemy. Giving them a short time to expire is what keeps them low level. Overall I think it was a more elegant approach than just saying you can make clouds within 30 feet of each other or something along those lines.

Weapons are always going to be fun to make. There’s just something that is exciting about it. I think people get most excited over getting a weapon as well. I suppose it’s just that in TTRPGs we often see that as our primary means of interacting with mechanics within the game. With this whole month being lower level items, I wanted to include at least one instrument made for stabbing!

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May the moon guide you,

- Fernando & Matthew



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