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See the end of the chapter for notes.

All characters involved are over 18 years old.


Jon was watching and enjoying the game, until he was interrupted when he heard the sound of the doorbell ring. Turning and looking oddly at his apartment door when the doorbell rang again. Setting the TV remote aside and grabbing his phone, he checked the time. Finding that it was still too early for it to be his guest and not expecting anyone else today, he had no idea who it might be.

Getting to his feet he headed for the door, and all along the way wondering who it might be as he walked towards it. Finally reaching the door and turning the doorknob, he opened it to reveal who it was. To his surprise it was no one else but, Nymeria Martell, who was standing on the other side, looking at him with sparkling eyes and a big smile on her face as she said.

"Hello handsome. surprised to see me?"

Quickly recovering from his initial surprise, Jon returned the greeting.

"Nymeria, I wasn't expecting you so early, love."

Stepping toward him. Nymeria held his face with both hands and pulled him down to her, so she could give him a light kiss on each cheek, before telling him with a bright smile.

"I was really excited to see you and couldn't wait any longer. So, I thought, why not give you a surprise by showing up early" Separating from him, she furrowed her brows and with a worried expression asked him softly, "I hope it's not a bother?" 

To which he quickly responded by telling her. "No, of course not. Please come in." Stepping aside from the door and giving her room to enter.

Jon couldn't help but check out the beautiful, slender Dornish woman as she walked past him, she was wearing a thin, sensual red lace two-piece dress. He could also catch the faint scent of the perfume she had put on, she smelled of summer flowers and even a hint of citrus. A scent very similar to the one Arianne used, bringing very pleasant memories to his mind of the lush olive-skinned woman, he quickly shook off such thoughts and turned his attention back to his unexpectedly over-eager guest.

The woman had no doubt surprised him by showing up an hour earlier than they had agreed. If it were any other circumstances, he might have been much angrier, to have them show up at his house unannounced, but being who she was and definitely not wanting to be rude to the woman with whom he would most likely have sex in a few minutes, Jon let it go. So, instead of confronting her for showing up unannounced, Jon asked her in a friendly way.

"Would you like something to drink? I have Arbor Gold, Water or maybe a Red Dornish?" Jon finished by saying with a knowing smile, quite sure which one she would choose.

"Red Dornish, of course." She told him with an obvious glare, before confidently stating. "Why even think about choosing something else when one of your options is a Red Dornish."

With a slight smile and a nod, Jon headed towards his kitchen, more specifically to the shelf where he kept his wines. Grabbing the Red Dornish and two glasses, he made his way back towards the living room, where he found Nymeria already seated comfortably on his couch. Joining her, he placed the wine on his coffee table and handed one of the glasses to Nymeria. Jon uncorked the wine and poured them both a half-full glass, putting the wine back on the table. Jon tipped his glass to hers and they clinked the glass together in a light toast.

They both enjoyed the sweet and delicious taste of the red wine, never taking their eyes off each other at any time, with Nymeria being the first to speak.

"I must say, Jon. You really know your wine." She complimented him with a big smile.

"Well, you can't just spend two weeks together in the company of Arianne Martell and not learn a thing or two about wine or sex," Jon said, finishing with a charming smile.

Which was shared by Nymeria, before she tells him. "Yes, you are right. My cousin is well versed in those subjects."

Finishing her wine and setting her glass down on the coffee table, Nymeria spoke again. "And speaking of my cousin. Arianne is one of the main reasons I wanted to meet with you, Jon."

Taking a last sip of the sweet drink, he finished drinking his wine as well and like her, set the glass down on the table before telling her with an exaggerated pout. "And here I thought it was because of my irresistible charm and good looks."

Laughing amusedly at his grace, Nymeria told him. "I must confess that was also a major factor, but as I was telling you. Arianne's words were what drew my attention to you in the first place."

"What did she say?" Jon asked her curiously.

"It would be easier to say the things she didn't say about you" Nymeria told him amusedly, causing Jon to raise his eyebrows in slight surprise.

"Ari has grown quite fond of you, I've never heard her talk that way about a man before. You could easily say you left quite an impression on her."

"I could easily say the same about her" Jon replied before elaborating. "I was quite impressed with her as well and look forward to meeting her again. The time I spent alongside her and Tyene in Dorne was without a doubt one of the most memorable of my life. She is a very special woman and definitely one not easily to forget."

Picking up his glass again and extending it towards him expertly. Jon quickly picked up the bottle again and refilled her glass and taking advantage of it, his as well. Nymeria swirled her glass and enjoyed the sweet aroma of the wine, before saying to him.

"You're pretty good with words too, Jon Snow. But it takes more than flowery words to captivate my cousin in such a way. So, I wonder, what is it that makes you so special?"

Taking a sip of his wine, Jon shrugged amusedly before answering her. "I think you're asking the wrong person, love. Because so far I haven't figured out why I keep getting all this attention from all these delightfully beautiful women, when I'm just a Snow from the North."

"Modesty doesn't suit you, Jon." Nymeria told him, grimacing slightly.

"I'm just being honest, before all this. I was working a shitty minimum wage job, was only known in the small town I grew up in, and had only ever been in two romantic relationships, with only one of them ending on a friendly note. And now, I'm a millionaire, famous and I fuck the most beautiful women on the continent, but if you ask me how all that happened. I can answer you honestly, that I have not the slightest idea, things just happened."

"I find that hard to believe, Jon Snow. You don't look like the kind of man who would pass as an ordinary person" Nymeria commented.

"In the North appearances are the least important thing. Well, unless you're a woman" Jon told her.

"I always thought of the North as a dreary, depressing, dark country."

With a slight smile, Jon replied. "It's not for everyone, but it's my home and I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"I wonder if there will be a Northerner who can admit that the place where they were born sucks" Nymeria told him amusedly.

"You shouldn't judge a place without having seen it, love."

"Visiting that frozen moor? No, thank you. I don't think I could survive a place where the sun appears every two weeks, I'd freeze on the spot." 

"I promise I'd keep you warm" Jon told her with a smile.

"I'm sure you would, Jon Snow" Nymeria said with a similar smile, before adding. "But as I was telling you, there's a reason you captured my cousin's attention. And it has to be a really big one, since she can't seem to stop thinking about you."

"She can't stop thinking about me?" Jon asked her with an amused, self-satisfied smirk.

Nymeria quickly regretted saying that to him, and quickly told him with a slight pleading tone. "Please don't tell Arianne I said that. But yes, she really was captivated with you, and I want to find out the reason behind it."

"I am not a man of secrets or elaborate methods of delving into the hearts of the many ladies I get involved with, love. All you see, is all there is," Jon told her, before leaning toward her and adding, "So, tell me Nymeria. What is it that you see in me, that could possibly have so captivated a woman like Arianne Martell?"

Undeterred, Nymeria did the same and leaned toward him, their faces only inches apart. Nymeria stared into his eyes, as if searching deep within, returning his gaze Jon did not see her hand until he felt it against his cheek, Nymeria lightly scratched his thick beard with her delicate fingers, before finally speaking.

"I see a handsome man, a really handsome one. I've never been one to like a beard on a man, but I must admit it suits you very well." She said, eliciting a slight smile from him, before continuing. "You have beautiful eyes, almost hypnotic, hard to find a man with those kind of eyes south of Westeros. I also like your hair, I'm sure my sister Obara would be jealous of your beautiful hair. You're tall, so that's a good bonus too." Running his hands down his body, she patted the muscles of his chest through his shirt, "You also have a great body, I'm sure the women would love to have you on top of them."

"You're going to make me blush, Nym" Jon told her with a smile.

Moving her hands down to a further down to his crotch and not hesitating to run her hand over his cock and run a finger down its length through his pants, Nymeria told him with a purr. "Hmm, I plan to do a lot more than that, Jon Snow. Because if there's one thing Arianne mentioned above all things about you, it was how good you were in bed and how good your cock is, and that's something I want to prove for myself. Maybe that's what makes you special, Jon. Maybe it all comes down to your cock."

"Maybe it does," Jon told her, with a slight gasp as Nymeria continued to shamelessly rub his already semi-hard cock through the thin fabric of his pants.

"So, is it true what they say about the famous 'Long Claw'?" Nymeria said with an amused smile, "It really should be something special if it's named after such a famous sword, don't you think Jon? Is your cock that good?"

"I've never had any complaints" Was his reply.

Finishing her wine, Nymeria said to him with a purr, "Well, at least it feels like a big deal, much bigger than my last boyfriend." Lowering her gaze to his crotch as her fingers ran down his length to fully hard, "I'm definitely going to have quite a bit of fun with this, I can't wait to try it for myself."

Jon felt his cock throb against her fingers as soon as he heard those words, her voice bathed in the slight Dornish accent made her sound even more deliciously sensual.

"I can't wait to suck on and taste your musty flavour, Jon." Nymeria said leaning into him, kissing his neck, and biting his earlobe to finish her words. "I can't wait to ride this thick, big cock until I drain every last drop out of you with my tight little pussy."

Only using her hands and words, Jon felt himself approaching his climax, but as he came dangerously close to it. Nymeria abruptly withdrew her hand and pulled away from him, lifting his gaze to her, he saw that she had a mischievous, teasing smile on her face. Setting her glass down on the table, she said to him.

"Shall we?"

Shaking his head at her teasing, Jon told her. "After you."

Nymeria stood up and began walking up the stairs, Jon followed her with his eyes before finishing his drink and standing up, adjusting his pants and began walking towards her, with only one thought in mind.

Bloody Dornish women, they'll be the death of me. But, still, he followed her anxiously up the stairs.


Entering after her into his room, Jon was glad he had decided to welcome Nymeria after Yaya. For he simply kept all the recording equipment in the same place he had left it yesterday, so all he had to do was turn on the cameras. And while doing so he said to Nymeria.

"Make yourself comfortable, this will only take a minute."

To which she nodded and let him work as she took a seat on his bed, finishing making sure everything was in order and turning on all the cameras. Jon as usual moved towards the main camera, which was the one right in front of his bed, but before he could even do anything, Nymeria quickly interrupted him by saying.

" Can I make the presentation?"

Confused as to what she was referring to, he couldn't help but ask her, "What do you mean?"

"I've seen your videos before, Jon. You always start with a little presentation, so I was wondering, if for this video. Could I do the presentation? I would really like to be able to do that, pretty please?"

Nymeria asked him pleadingly, even putting on her best puppy dog eyes, making him wonder if all Dornish women had the ability to switch between an extremely cute and cuddly personality. To then turn into a complete succubus full of lust, with the sole purpose of sucking you dry, or maybe it's simply a skill of the Martell women. But just the same unable to resist her, he readily accepted.

"Sure, why not? It could be interesting."

With a winning smile Nymeria patted him to join her on the bed, wanting him to sit next to her. Jon thought, she would stand up and talk to the camera like he did, but if she wanted to do it that way, that was fine with him. Jon started to walk towards her, but Nymeria interrupted him again when she said.

" Bring the camera."

Heeding her, Jon grabbed the camera and pulled it off its tripod. Now he walked over to her. Sitting down next to her on the bed, Nymeria quickly pressed herself against his side and rest her head on his shoulder and spoke.

"You hold the camera on us and let me do the talking."

Doing as she asked, Jon held the camera above them with his right hand and turning his head towards her asked, before pressing the record button.


To which she replied, telling him.


So, with nothing more to say, Jon pressed the red button, and the camera began to record at the same time Nymeria began to speak.

"Hello dear viewers. Look who finally managed to convince me to do a collaboration with him" Nymeria said amusedly, completely ignoring the weird look Jon gave her. "Jon has been writing to me for a while now, begging me to do a collaboration with him. Pretty much, ever since he did a collaboration with my cousin Arianne, I guess he hasn't been able to forget how amazing it feels to be with a Dornish woman. So finally, I took pity on him and decided to treat him to the sweet Martell pussy he so much seems to love. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

Jon kept his gaze on her for a few seconds before shaking his head amusedly and looking back at the camera before saying. "Aye, that's definitely how things played out." Turning his face to Nymeria he added, "I'm about to find out if all Martell women really are as sweet as their wine."

To which Nymeria responded with a flirtatious smile, saying. "And I'm about to find out if the Northmen are as wild as they say."

Taking his chin, she lowered his face and leaning his body over hers, she kissed him. Nymeria kissed him deeply, their tongues fused together as they explored each other's mouths, they kissed for a long while before finally parting, but not before Nymeria bit his bottom lip and pulled him a little towards her.

Jon looked at her slightly surprised as Nymeria returned his gaze defiantly and said, "You will do well not to forget that snakes are just as dangerous as wolves, Jon Snow."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jon told her, before leaning over to her and kissing her, somehow managing to hold the camera up and capture every moment until they parted again.

"I think that's enough for an introduction. So, why don't we move on to the fun part" Nymeria said.

"I think that's a great idea." Was her response.

Nymeria stood up and took the camera from his hands, putting it back on its tripod before turning to him with a sultry smile on her face. Jon watched with great excitement and a growing erection as Nymeria began to undress, quickly removing the two pieces that made up her dress and being left with a sexy black bra and matching panties. Reaching behind her back, she unclasped her bra and slid it down her arms, exposing her grapefruit-sized breasts.

While they were not as large as her cousin Arianne's, they were still a decent size and very perky, protruding straight out of her chest. Her nipples were a light brown and were already hard.

Nymeria reached down and bent over as she pulled down her panties. Unlike Arianne, who was completely bald, she had a small fringe of short brown hair above her lips. As she undressed in front of him, Jon took the opportunity to walk around her, taking in every part of her luscious body. Walking behind her, he saw her wonderful ass. It was full, round, and muscular, jutting out from her body. Reaching out, he caressed her amazing cheeks and ran his hands over her silky-smooth skin. Sliding his hands down her body and to the front, he touched her breasts, running his thumbs lightly over her hard nipples.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Nym" Jon whispered in her ear.

With a big smile Nymeria turned around, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, tangling her fingers in his curls and pulling him in for a kiss. Still with his lips pressed against hers, he took the opportunity to remove his shirt and let it slide down his arms until it fell to the floor around his feet. He wrapped his arms around Nymeria's waist and pressed her slender body against him, her medium-sized breasts pressed firmly against his torso. He slid Nymeria's leg between his and her toned thigh brushed against his erection, causing a noticeable bulge in his pants.

Jon moaned into her mouth and felt Nymeria smile against his lips as she pulled away. Running her hands over his shoulders and down his chest, she slowly knelt in front of him. Nymeria quickly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, finally releasing his erection. Nymeria didn't hesitate to wrap her long slender fingers around his length, a wide, predatory smile played across her lips.

"I'm definitely going to have fun with this." She told him.

Staring hungrily at his member, she gently ran her hand up and down, exploring every inch of his shaft. Jon swallowed heavily and gasped in excitement as he watched her lean forward and kiss his swollen tip with her soft, full lips. Nymeria's dark red lipstick left a smudge on his head, something that was apparently intentional as Nymeria lifted her gaze to him and gave him a cheeky wink. Turning her focus back to his cock, she parted her lips as she slowly leaned forward to wrap her hot, wet mouth around his head.

Nymeria's small mouth stretched around his thick shaft as she slowly descended his length. Jon placed his hands on her head, fighting the desire to penetrate deeper into her mouth as his swollen head pressed against the back of her mouth. As she dragged her lips upward, her lips left long trails of dark red lipstick from the centre of his shaft to the tip. With the tip still trapped between her lips, Nymeria smiled at him before taking a deep breath through her nose and down his shaft, this time moving faster.

Jon threw his head back and closed his eyes as she began to move her head up and down, taking him deeper and deeper into her mouth. Moving his hands from her hair, he moved them down to her beautiful breasts and gently caressed them. Nymeria bobbed her head at a leisurely pace, pleasuring him, but not bringing him to climax. She spent long minutes sucking his cock as if she really enjoyed it before she finally looked up at him again and smiled at him with her eyes as she slowly dragged her lips to the tip. This time, she pulled away from him with a pop and gave his throbbing head one last kiss.

Just as Nymeria knelt in front of him, she stood up. Staring at his naked muscular body with a hungry gaze, sliding her hands up his muscular legs to his toned abs. Nymeria wrapped her slender, delicate fingers around his huge, raging erection and stroked him gently. Jon let out a deep gasp as she fiddled with his shaft. Gripping his length more firmly, she used it as a leash to pull him towards the bed and lay him on top of it before she straddled over his lap.

Trapping his cock between her stomach and pussy, she rolled her hips, rubbing herself against his length. Unexpectedly, she grabbed his hair roughly and pulled his head back before kissing him hard, her tongue invading his mouth. As they kissed, she continued to move her hips, coating his already saliva-soaked cock with her arousal. Pulling back to break the kiss, she reached up and lowered one hand to line him up with her entrance. Tucking her head between his lips, she paused and looked up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I love this part." She said, before suddenly dropping her full weight on him, driving his cock into her depths.

They both gasped at the sensation as she fluttered around him from the sudden, hard invasion. After taking a moment to adjust to his size, she began to rock her hips back and forth with him buried all the way into her tight, hot pussy.

"I want to know" she said as she began to bounce lightly on his cock. "Which pussy feels better, Arianne's or mine?"

Jon shook his head, barely able to think about the question because of the pleasure he was feeling.

Nymeria gripped his hair tightly again and pulled his head back as she gradually rode him harder and faster. She kissed his jaw and returned to his ear.

"Tell me, Jon. And I promise to make you cum so fucking hard, like you've never done before" Nymeria whispered with a moan, "I'll let you do whatever you want to me. I'll let you fuck me with your big hard cock as long as you want, I'll even let you fuck my ass."

Even in the ecstasy of his pleasure, Jon was absolutely certain that this was a trick question and there was no way in hell he should answer it. So, making a Herculean effort, he managed to remain silent. Of course, Nymeria took that as an offense and began to ride him even faster, her breasts bouncing deliciously as she practically jumped on his cock. She moaned and gasped in his ear as she sucked and bit his neck, no doubt leaving red marks.

Nymeria sat near his climax, but not wanting to finish playing with him, yet. She stopped riding him abruptly, instead. She sat on his lap and leaned over him as she rocked her hips.

"Tell me what I want to hear Jon, and you can cum with me." She whispered to him as she gasped and moaned lewdly in his ear. "Please, I would love to feel you fill me with all your wife and hot cum."

Jon growled angrily and tired of her teasing, and eager to reach his climax, he decided it was time to take the reins. Wrapping his arms around her to grab her tight ass, he reached up and lifted her easily with him and smiled at the surprised expression on her face. Carrying her over to the wall, he pinned her against it and began to pound her furiously, Nymeria gasped loudly and arched her back, thrusting her breasts at him.

"Jon!" she gasped between breaths, her nails digging into his shoulder.

"I don't think you understand something, Nymeria. I don't have to choose, I can and will fuck both of you, because you Dornish bitches love this Northern cock. You, your sister, and your cousin are going to spread your pretty legs and beg me eagerly to fuck you and fill your greedy slutty pussies with my seed" Jon growled as he pounded her hard enough to shake the wall behind her.

"You're being too cocky, Snow. You can't have all of us" she said with what little courage she had left. Just before she let out a long moan as she trembled in his arms when an unexpected climax crashed over her.

"Your pussy doesn't seem to think so. Fuck, it grips me like it never wants to let go" Jon said, concentrating on finally reaching his climax as he slammed her against the wall. Nymeria gasped loudly as she hugged him tightly and moved her hips in time with his onslaught.

"You're mine now" Jon growled possessively at her, turning his head to bite her neck.

It only took a few more thrusts to send him over the edge. His cock swelled and throbbed as he buried himself as deep as possible in her pussy. with each pulse of his cock, his ass flexed, driving it that much deeper into her depths with each spurt of cum that spurted from its tip.

"Jon" Nymeria moaned as she reached her second climax in a few minutes, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

 Her orgasm seemed to last minutes, filling to the point where his own semen leaked around his shaft. Collapsing against her, his climax finally came to an end, leaving his head in a cloud of ecstasy. Nymeria continued to shudder and moan as he lifted her off the wall and carried her to the bed. Laying her on her back, he pulled his soft length out of her and watched as a flood of white semen escaped her lips.

Finally coming down from her peak, Jon lay down beside her and lay on his back. Like an overgrown cat, Nymeria snuggled against his chest, tracing abstract lines on his chest with one of her long nails.

"I think I know why Arianne likes you so much." Nymeria told him with a slight smile. "And about your bold proposal, I think it could come to happen. That's only if you're up to it Jon Snow."

Despite his weariness, his flaccid cock sprang back to life at the thought of having Arianne, Tyenne and Nymeria in his bed. Turning his gaze to her and pointing at his erect cock with his eyes, he said with a confident smile.

"I think I could handle it."

Nymeria looked with slight surprise at his renewed erection, turning her eyes back to him, she glowered at him before she began to move. Sliding down his body, she took him back into her mouth, not bothered in the least by the taste of her own arousal.

Relaxing back against the pillows and closing his eyes, Jon ran his fingers through his dark hair and enjoyed the pleasurable sensation.

He couldn't wait to have all three Martell girls worshipping his cock.


I'm a little late, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyway. I will be posting the poll that will decide the next update soon, until then.


Daeron Targaryen

Damn, I wanted to see Arianne’s reaction to the video this chapter.


The Dornish girls seem to deem it acceptable to share, but the others might not see it the same way.