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There is a peculiar energy as my crew gathers around me.  They wished me luck in my battle tonight though they expressed regret as to how the unity we’d built would soon be fractured.  Some were excited to see a fight, curious to see whether the master or the apprentice would stand victorious, while others felt it a betrayal of all we’d trained for.  To them we had worked so hard all harvest to be able to handle ourselves when we needed out in the world, not to turn those skills in on each other.  There was definitely some hard feelings toward Toke and, from Lucas especially, some directed at me.  We say our goodbyes and they assure me that they would be there tonight to bear witness.  Indeed, they tell me that they wouldn’t miss this fight for anything.

On the slow walk home I feel a change wash over me as my thoughts narrow in on midnight.  I do not push the thoughts away but instead embrace them.  Last night’s evening of escape had been a gift and exactly what I needed then.  But now was the time for focus.  The darkening roiling sky is unsettled but my mind is clear and sober as I concentrate on visualizing my opponent, imagining what he might do, plot what I would do in response, and carefully manage the emotions that naturally rise.

Unfortunately my concentrated contemplation is jarred but the unexpected company sitting on my front step.  I had almost forgotten that I’d sent Rosa and Cassie to town to gather a larger audience.  Aristocles rises and brushes the dust from his robes then strides out to meet me in front of Mercury’s statue.

We shake hands and I say.  “Thank you for coming.”

“You mean to go through with it?”  He says with a concerned scowl.

“Yes.”  I say bluntly, not in the mood for explanations.

“Colly’s upset by this.”  He says.  “Can’t say I’m thrilled either.  What a waste of a life.”

“It’s his life to waste.  Besides, I might win.”

“If anyone can I suppose.”  He says, his tone telling me that he had his doubts.  “He seemed a fine fellow.  Such a waste.  So foolish.”

“If you had lived a life in chains you might act foolish yourself.”

“Pah.”  He scoffs.  “We all live our life in chains, Quintus.  The chains of family, reputation, finance, and fickle Fortuna.”  He says a quick prayer under his breath so as not to offend the goddess of fate.  “Your uncle was a slave to wine and dice.  You to love and honor.  Me to my craft and my pleasures.”

“Love is freedom.  Honor is not a chain.”

“Then break your word and do not fight him.  I know you don’t want to, so don’t.  Report him to the authorities.  They’ll stop his mad plan quick enough.”  When I do not answer he says.  “Exactly.  Chains everywhere.  Had the men of the North conquered our lands it would be us in slavery and them holding the lash.”  With a glance toward Mercury he asks.  “Would anything really look so different from the high vantage point of the gods?  Hardly.”  He shrugs.  “You take life as it comes and savor the pleasures it offers when you can.  What you can see and taste and feel is all you really have after all.”

“Still a skeptic.”

“Still a realist.”  He shoots right back.  “Be a damn shame though.  He was a powerful a lover for Colly.”

“Uf!”  I roll my eyes.  “I should have known you’d be thinking about that.”

“And why shouldn’t I?”  He laughs and slaps my shoulder.  “We’re about to have an opening for a big virile stallion in our bed chambers if you’re interested.  I’ll pay if you wish it.”


“You would make my dumpling very happy.”  He smiles.  “Toke served his purpose but…she is very fond of you, Quin.”

As if her name had summoned her my plump green friend appears in the doorway with tears streaking down her cherubic cheeks.  “Mathter Quin!”  She cries out as she dashes for me.  Coming through behind her are Rosa and Cassie.  I kneel down and open my arms.  Colly throws herself into me.  “Quin!  Don’t do it!”

I kiss her head and stroke her braided hair.  “Hello to you too.”

She looks up at me, her huge black and amber eyes glimmering.  “Don’t do it Mathter Quin.  Pleath.”

“I’m afraid I have to, Collywaddle.”

“But you don’t!  Why are men tho thtupid?  Jutht don’t do it.”  She pleads.  “Jutht be friendth.”

“If only it were so simple.”  As we speak the others gather around us.

“I jutht don’t underthtand.  Why?”

“I don’t know, Colly.  One final free act before the end?  I cannot see his heart.”

“What’th tho good about freedom?”  She pouts.  “It’th nithe to have a mathter to look after you.”

“Not everyone has had masters who look after them.”  I then smile and kiss her head.  “Nor are there many that are as wise as you.”

“No kiddin!”

Gently taking her by the chubby cheeks I look into her eyes.  “I want you do something tonight.”


“I want to be kind to Toke.  I want you to be there for him.  You may be the only friend he’s got left.”  Before she can protest I say.  “If there is any hope left for him to free me from my word, I believe it is through you.  He was soft with you?  Kind with you?”

“Yeth.”  She peeps.  “He wath very nithe to me.”

“Few can say that of him.”  I say.  “Be there.  In his corner.  Let him know that we care.  Let him know that he matters.”

Seeming to understand my thinking she sniffles and nods.  “Yeth Thir.”

“Good girl.”  I lean in and give her a good hug.

After a moment she says.  “Oh my goodneth!  You’re tho hard now!  You’re muthleth are tho big!”

The group of us laugh as Colly starts feeling my chest and arms.  Sensing the time was right Rosa steps in and guides the goblin away.  “Wait for us in the triclinium, my dear.”

“Okay Rotha.” She looks to me.  “Good luck Mathter Quin.”

“Thank you, Colly.”

Aristocles takes his slave’s hand and the pair of them head back inside.

I stand and look to Rosa and Cassie, my heart full of joy in seeing them again.  Immediately taking hold of the pause Rosa steps up to me.  Laying a delicate hand on my chest she tilts her her head up.  “Kiss me, my love.”  Happily I obey.  We share a soft kiss and a warm hug then Rosa steps away.  “I will see you again just before the fight.”

“Oh.  Where are you going?”

She motions over her shoulder.  “To keep them away from you.  As well as myself.  Now is not the time for soft overprotective Ladies or emotional friends.  No more distractions.  Toke is your only concern now.”  She holds out a hand and Cassie steps forward to take it.  She pulls Cassie closer to me and has her touch me, as if passing her claim on me over to her.  “Cassie will stay with you.  I take the boy with me and leave the man with her.  She knows combat.  She knows him.  She knows you.  She can be hard for you like I cannot.  She will see to your needs so you can focus on your task.  She can spar or plan or simply be there for you.  You can speak with her, or not.  Whatever you do, she will be valuable.”  Cassie steps into me and takes me by the arm.  “And she will wrap your limbs in the style that I have taught her.”

“I’ll miss you, my Lady.”  I say softly.

“You’re Lady will be there.  I will be near.  And I will be at your side the moment that this…unpleasant business is over.”  Taking my hand she squeezes it and brings my palm to her rose petal soft cheek.  “This night is yours.  But, may a silly little slave girl just ask one request?  Please don’t do this again soon.” Closing her blind eyes she presses her cheek into my hand.  “You may be strong and brave, but I am just…me.”  She kisses my hand.  “No matter what happens you are my champion, my precious boy, and nothing will ever change that.  Ever.  I love you so much, Quin.”

“I love you, Rosa.”  I say with my whole heart.

“Hahhh.  Here I am being soft again.”  She smiles and takes a deep breath then reluctantly lets my hand go.  I was equally reluctant to let it be released.  “Go!  Do your man things.  But I expect my boy safely in my bed tonight.”

I bow my head.  “Yes, my Lady.”

She gives me a courageous nod.  “Fight hard, Master!”  Taking a moment to gather her bearings she slowly turns away and walks back into our villa.

Cassie grips my arm tight.  “This fight is tearing her up inside.  It is good that it will be over soon.”

“I know.  She worries about me.”  I sigh.  “Had I known she carried my child…I don’t know.  I think my answer to Toke might have been different.  Things have…changed.  Everything has changed.  Am I making a mistake, Cassie?”

She looks up at me.  “I’m not sure there was a right path on this one, Quin.  But the choosing is what matters now.”  Peering into my eyes she asks point blank.  “Are you doing this?  Tell me now and let’s be done with it.”

“Yeah.  I’m doing it.”

“Then the time for doubts is behind us.”  Pulling me along with her we walk toward the open door.  “Let go of Ceres, Venus, Morpheus, your Lady and the rest.  Now is the time of Mars.”  Low thunder rolls across the steel gray sky as the first drops of rain hit the parched, dusty ground.

Chapter 122 



Small typo: "She smiles and takes a deep breath then reluctantly lets my go." -> "lets mine go"