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Once my hand is able to escape from Brutus’ adorable assault and I can handle the remote again I find us a show to watch.  Given total freedom to choose whatever I wanted I end up settling on a documentary about hummingbirds.  The moment the remote is set back down Brutus tackles my hand again to pin it to the blanket like a tiger over some unfortunate deer, though he is far more merciful as he opts for licking over gnawing.  Behind me Winona sits slowly and smoothly brushing my hair as we watch the show.  My hair was already as brushed as it could get yet she continued just for the pleasure of it.  It felt so amazing to be pampered like this.  My whole head was tingling and a great sense of peace had settled over me.  Only now did I realize how taut and tense I had been right through the day, from the moment I saw Mom’s car until now, but in the safety of Winona’s care all that stress was just draining away.

“That’s so cool.”  She says at the iridescent greens and pinks of the bird on the screen.  “Look at those colors.”

“Yeah.  The male Anna’s is a l-looker, no doubt.”  I say.  

“I love how with birds it’s the boys that have to look all glam and pretty.”

“Yeah.”  I giggle.  “If you put up a feeder you’d probably get them here.”

“Those are here?  No way.”

“Oh yeah.  Most of the ones you see around here are Anna’s.”

“I never looked that close.”  She says.  “Back home I don’t think I ever even saw one.”

“I’ll b-buy you a feeder.”  I say.  “We can put it by the window.  Up high so M-Mama can’t get them.”

Leaning in over me she hugs me and kisses my head.  “You know how to spoil a gal.  I’d like that, Sprout.”

I smile and relish the hug.  Reaching down she plucks Brutus from my lap and sets him to the side before pulling me onto the loveseat beside her.  As the kitten trundles off in search of his new prey, a little blue catnip infused ball sitting not to far away, I cuddle into Winona’s side.  Wriggling about I shift the blanket so that we could both share in its warmth.  Under the cover she slips an arm around my shoulders as I snuggle in and slide my hand across her exposed tummy.  Without even realizing I was doing it at first I gently and very slowly rub my hand back and forth across her belly, enjoying the smooth skin and the supple flesh.  It was cool how I could kinda feel her firm abs just a little beneath the surface.  In the past, when I had tried to touch Kayla or Eddie like this, they’d always make some quip which made me self-conscious and pull away.  But Winona just sat relaxed and watched our show and enjoyed the feeling of my hand on her body.  Her skin felt so nice rubbing against mine.

Transfixed by her body and her beauty I am soon not even looking at the screen.  Gazing up at her I allow my hand to wander, feeling the soft mound of her breasts beneath her sports bra and the smooth skin of her upper chest.  She sighs and relaxes deeper into her seat.

“Mmm.” I hum softly and smile.  I liked how she was letting me touch her.

My fingers peek up past the blanket to caress across her neck and shoulder.  Every muscle and bone traced by my exploring fingers.  I am rewarded by a little kiss to my forehead before she returned to the show.

Feeling ever more bold…I giggle softly…then crawl up onto her lap.  She makes no move to stop me, in fact she sifts to make it easier, as I crawl across and straddle her legs.  Pressing my chest and stomach into hers I tuck my arms along her flanks and nuzzle my face into her neck, my cheek resting on her shoulder.  Touching her with every bit of me that I possibly could I settle in then let my body go limp to melt against hers.  Under the blanket Winona wraps her arms around me and just…holds me.

I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of her breathing.  Tenderly she rubs my back, the sheer fabric of my nightie allowing her hand to glide smooth and easy up and down.  With equal tenderness I kiss and lightly suck at the base of her long elegant neck.  With quiet coos I express my contentment.

Our bodies pressed together as we kissed and caressed each other needless to say there comes a stirring from below.  My growing penis snoozled in against her swelling member felt as small and safe as the rest of me.  I just LOVED the feeling of her arousal.  It was so physical and so palpable and so real.  With a ‘normal’ woman you didn’t get that immediate instinctive feedback of ‘my body wants to fuck you’ that I so adored.  It made me feel incredibly sexy knowing that I could get a rise out Winona’s cock.  And on my end the sensation of growing an erection inside of soft panties was lovely.

“Mommyyy.”  I whisper while slowly beginning to rock my pelvis.

Her hands stops rubbing for a moment before starting up right away, sliding down the crease of my spin.  “Shhh, baby girl.”

“Mooommmmyyyy.”  I croon in a sexy feminine tone.

“Shush now, sweet thing.  I’m watching this.”

“Okay.”  I titter and tease and cuddle in harder.  “Mmmmm.”

Very subtly I continue to rock…rock…rock my hips to make my bulge rub against her long dick.  Winona might have been watching the show but I had her cock’s full attention.  It was not long until the satisfying flex of a powerfully erect cock presses up into my little clit-boner.  My hands find her breasts again and start to lightly knead.  I take a long smell of her natural, better than any perfume, as I kiss, kiss, kiss up her lovely neck.  I nose in just below her jaw and kiss again.

I pull back a little so that I could see her.  In the lenses of her glasses I could see a pair of reflected television screens, but behind them I saw her eyes were on me.  Keeping my head low, demure and submissive, I gaze up with a look of wicked innocence.  “W-Want me to take care of that?”  I plead.  “Let me suck your cock, Daddy?  Please, Daddy?”  I bat my big blue eyes.  “Pleeease.”

I do not get the response I expect.  It is so tiny as to be imperceptible yet still I catch just little flinch cross her gorgeous features.  What wasn’t so subtle was the way her stiff penis softened in an instant.  I stop my grinding and my groping and search her gaze for answers.

“Wh-What’s wrong?”  I whisper.

“Nothin.”  She says softly, her right hand coming up to play through my silky hair.  “Hey…I was thinking.”  There’s a long pause before she says.  “I don’t think I want to use Mommy and Daddy anymore.  I thought we’d try them out but…I don’t think I’m feeling it.”

“Oh.”  I gaze for a time.  “Is it b-because of my m-mom?”

“I’m just not feeling it.” She evades.  I knew I had hit on the reason though just the way she said it.  And after a moment of gazing she knew that I knew and just confesses.  “Yeah.  And this stuff with your dad.  I don’t know if I’m comfortable with this now.”

“She’ll always be my mom, but you can be Mommy.  They’re different.  It d-doesn’t bother m-m-me.”  I wasn’t even sure if that was true but I really wanted to comfort her.  “You can st-still be my D-D-Daddy.”

I could feel that she was getting more turned off by the second, my stuttered ‘Daddy’ taking her erection all the way down to a semi.  The very words that used to make her feel powerful were now sapping her confidence.

“I…um…I don’t know if…um…”

“It’s c-cool.  Really.”  I smile, trying to assure her.  “I’m okay.”

“Baby, I don’t…”

“Daddy.  See.  I c-can say it without even stuttering.  Mommy.  Daddy.  See.  It’s c-cool.”  My assurances weren’t working.  In fact it was having the opposite effect and making it worse.  At the same rate as her flagging arousal her great strength of will was eroding before my eyes!  “W-Winona?”

Looking into me deeply she whispers in surrender.  “Red.”


Breaking eye contact her head falls and, her voice even quieter, she repeats.  “Red.”

It takes a moment until I realized what she was saying.  She was using a safe word!

“Oh!”  I gasp.  Sitting up taller I hurry to pull her into an embrace and hold her tightly.  “Okay.  It’s okay.”

She slumps into me, laying her head into my chest just as I had done with her just moments ago, and slides her arms around my waist.  “I’m sorry, baby girl.”

Chapter 126 



Couple potential typos: "My whole head was tingling and great sense of peace" -> "a great sense" "I love how with birds it’s the boys that have look" -> "have to look" "press up into my" -> "pressed up into"


Dude this chapter was so tough, Winona was Heartbreaking I hope they are able to get past this together, there is just so much for them to support each other with rn