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Dear David,

My poor Papa Bear! I’m starting to feel bad for you. That intense look you get and the way you’re just a big ball of tension all the time, you seem happy but it looks like you’re in agony! I’m starting to wonder if Nick actually knows what he’s talking about with this ‘No Nut’ stuff. Seeing you like this makes me want to hold you all the time but I know that only makes it worse. I barely have to look at you and you get hard. Your poor testes must be so pent up that they’re ready to explode. If you need to stop our challenge it’s okay. I’ve already done so much and come so far. I’d like to see this through to the end but if you can’t take it anymore I will understand.

So yesterday was…interesting. After getting Bradley off with my hand and seeing him shoot all that cum I already knew what I wanted to try. I just needed a partner. So in the morning when Richard dropped off Oscar I took him aside and flirtatiously asked if he was free for a little while that night. He hummed and hawed and checked his schedule and eventually agreed. There was something in his tone and body language that told me that something wasn’t right but at first I thought I was imagining it. I asked if we could meet at his downtown apartment, which I’ve learned he calls ‘The Nest’, but instead he insisted on meeting at the cafe. I thought it a little odd but I agreed.

So after seeing you off to work I got ready and drove down there. Only once I got there did I realize that they were nearly closed already. For the first time he wasn’t there yet at the agreed time so I got a table and waited for him. I felt kind of silly sitting there by myself sipping tea as the staff starting flipping chairs and getting ready to close. He eventually showed up maybe five minutes before they locked the doors and apologized. I guess he had an important business call he had to take.

Again I could feel that something was different between us. He was still super nice and his normal smooth self but there was a spark missing. When he flirted with the waitress with me sitting right there it hit me as to what was happening. Men like Richard get their thrills through seeking the next challenge and overcoming it. It is what makes them so successful. It was always the chase more than the sex with him. And now that he had conquered me he was now on the look out for his next great conquest. I was old news. Yesterday’s trash. It was quite a revelation. Men are simple in some ways yet so utterly perplexing.

It was a strange feeling. I wasn’t hurt like I would had you done it to me yet I felt so humiliated to sit there as he sweet talked his new amorous interest. It hurt my pride. And at the exact same time I felt…weirdly horny. Had you used me just for my body like he had I would be devastated. Absolutely devastated. But because it was him, this handsome womanizing wealthy older man, it made me feel really naughty to just be used up and tossed away as if I were just some tawdry lady of the night. For the first time in my life a man was arousing me not by making me feel beautiful, but by making me feel slutty. As I said, it was a strange feeling.

Despite the conflicting feelings I still wanted to do my challenge with him. More than ever if I’m honest. So back at the cars I ask if we’d be driving to his Nest separately or together. He tells me that he really doesn’t have that much time. This took me aback but I still suggested we try and that I would try to make it quick. Again he kindly refused. I think it was his kindness that was the most frustrating thing. Feeling utterly embarrassed I eventually stoop to pleading with him. He chuckled and said that I must really be desperate for his big cock. Before I could reply he gave in on the condition that it happen right then and right there.

I couldn’t believe it. He wanted me to do it right there in his car at the parking lot of the cafe!

I nearly told him to go to heck right there. But…I wanted to check off the challenge I had in mind and even though he denied it I was starting to suspect that this might be my last time with him. Besides, what I had in mind could be done without attracting too much attention But mostly, I just really, really wanted to do it! And so, reluctantly, I agreed. He looked so dang smug sitting there, as if he already knew that I was going to. It was so condescending…yet so sexy too.

My challenge for the day was to make a man orgasm in my mouth and swallow his load. I saw it once on one of those porno videos and it turned my stomach. The fact that the woman actually swallowed it!? EW!!! Nasty! But ever since I saw it had stayed with me and eventually I knew that was something that I needed to attempt. The night before I tried a wee little dab of Bradley’s cum off the tip of my finger and it didn’t seem TOO bad so right then it turned into my next goal.

I didn’t tell him all that back story but I told Richard what I wanted to do with him. He loved the idea and even offered to hold my head so I couldn’t pull away at the last second. I thought that was a good idea and so, that’s what we did.

As casual as anything Richard brought his seat all the way back and lifted the wheel as high as it would go. Still with that smug grin on his face he pulled out his dick and said, ‘It’s all yours.’. I was tempted to bite it to teach him a lesson in respecting women. But seeing his penis there was too much of a temptation for me. Without a word I knelt on my seat, bent over and went down on him like a good girl. Yep. I did it. Right there in the parking lot I gave Richard a blowjob.

My lips wrapped around his warm, soft member I began to suck and play with his tip with my tongue. It was so gratifying to feel it swell and grow inside my mouth. Soon I had him hard so I could begin to bob up and down on him. I sucked him as best I could like you taught me how you like it but the weird angle and his bigger size made things more difficult. I did my best for him.

Okay, let me say this now. I don’t like sucking dick. I love it! I LOVE IT! Your wife loves sucking dick! Who knew!? When you would ask me to do it for you I would only because you wanted it, but deep down it always felt wrong somehow. But since I’ve blossomed this November and I can just allow myself to enjoy the experience without the shame it’s become something else entirely. At once I feel so submissive and naughty yet also so powerful, proud and generous! It’s like a gift that is both given and taken at the same time. I can’t describe it. Add to that the satisfying feeling of having a man’s nice hard penis filling my mouth and I am one happy wifey. I promise you that you won’t have to beg for oral anymore. Just try to keep me off of it! Ha ha ha!

If anybody saw us I couldn’t say. Thankfully I couldn’t see anything but his crotch. But if anybody did they would have seen my blond head going up and down and had they seen us in the cafe they would have known who it was. Knowing that we might be seen only added to the eroticism of the moment though. My whole body was on fire! If my hands weren’t busy holding his base and fondling his family jewels I surely would have played with myself. But tonight was about his pleasure, not mine.

For his part Richard sat there as calm as could be as if he were just there waiting for someone. He kept his right hand holding my hair back in one big bunch at the back of my head and every so often he would whisper things like ‘good girl’ and give short commands to go faster or harder but other than that he let me do my thing. I enjoyed having the freedom to explore with him but I wanted more feedback. His calmness spurred me to try to take him deeper or flick his knob with my tongue or suck him with an extra twist. He enjoyed it all but not once did he even give me the satisfaction of a moan! Ha ha ha! He knew exactly what he was doing to me and I kind of loved it. Then, the cherry on top of his controlled dominance, when his phone rang…he answered it! God, I felt like a cheap whore sucking his cock as he so blithely talked business.

And to top it off, it was during this call that he ended up cumming. On the phone he oh so calmly said, ‘Hold a minute?’, then whispered to me ‘Cumming.’. Before I had even registered what he’d said the hand holding my hair had tightened and my throat and mouth were suddenly being flooded with his hot seed!

By instinct I tried to pull off of him but true to his word he held my head in place while I whimpered and squirmed as he shot his stuff into my mouth. I was coughing, nearly gagging, but after the first blast or two I started sucking and swallowing for all I was worth. It was so warm and slippery. The taste was so pungent! Similar to how it smells but just way, way more intense. It definitely didn’t taste good in the traditional sense but it did taste nasty and naughty and in a weird way…I liked it! Feeling him get so excited and tense up then slowly relax as I sucked his throbbing manhood to conclusion was such a rush. I felt proud that I could do this to him. By the end I was kneeling very still and sort of cooing happily as I sucked him dry.

It was funny once I was done. As I was suckled to make sure I got every last drop he returned to his call. I did one last suck to leave him clean then very daintily put his penis away and zipped him up again. When I looked up at him and smiled he shot me a wink and a smile back and pinched my cheek. As he finished up his call I cleaned up the little bit that leaked onto his trousers with some moist napkins he kept in the glove box. I don’t know why but it made me feel good looking after him like that after pleasuring him. And when he was off the phone I thanked him very nicely for allowing me to suck his big tasty cock. He laughed and shook his head and said, ‘And you kiss your husband with that mouth?’

Then that was it. We talked for a little but soon he said that he was sorry but that he really needed to get going but said that I gave a really great blowjob and that you were a lucky man to have me. He never said so directly, but he was saying goodbye. My time in the spotlight was over. Just like with his semen it left a bad taste behind to be shooed away so soon after giving him something special. At least I thought it was special. And yet, in the end, I had to admit that I’d had a really great time with him. I left his car thankful that Richard and I were parting as friends even if the ‘benefits’ he promised me appeared to be drying up 10 days earlier than I would have liked.

On the bright side it saves me the trouble of cutting that off come December 1st. And who knows, if things don’t work out with that waitress maybe he’ll come sniffing around again. I’m not hurt by it, I always knew this was a short time thing, but I will confess that my womanly ego took a bit of hit yesterday. It sure made me appreciate you all the more. If you could give me some your extra good cuddles tonight when you wake up I would really like that.

Your spunk swallowing soulmate,



I lean back in my chair and let the papers slip from my fingers. “Huh.”

Just like that Richard wasn’t a thing anymore. It left me a bit bewildered. Since the moment she had brought him up in these letters I’d harbored a quiet fear that he might whisk her away into a life of luxury and debauchery. But in the end it was only ever about the conquest. He had just waltzed into my wife’s life, fucked her like a sex machine with a bigger cock, bust a nut over her tits, had her give him head in a public car lot, had her swallow his load as he held her head in place, then waltzed right out again leaving a sexually satisfied Sarah in his wake. Wild!

Of course the jealous lust burns bright as I reflect on it. This fucking guy comes into my marriage just long enough to lay down a new standard of love making that I now had to compete against? Thanks a lot, pal. And Sarah likes sucking dick now? And she swallows!? And she likes it!? The same woman that gets queasy from a slightly undercooked egg now swallows cum? And the worst part is that she’d tasted Richard and even Bradley, and she hadn’t yet tasted her own husband! That hardly seemed fair. But for Naughty November it was par for the course.

I fold the letter, grab the envelope, and head up to shred them as I must. Already I was thinking about seeing Sarah when she got home from work today. She put a brave face on it but I could read between the lines. Richard had knocked Sarah down a peg yesterday. Even if she did enjoy parts of what happened she was a proud woman and she would be feeling that. As her husband it was my job to lift her up again. And I’d be damn sure to give her those cuddles she asked for when I woke up.

Nov. 22nd



This is so sad, but I understand😢😂 nah, for Richard’s character? That absolutely makes sense to me. I hold nothing against a well designed character. I wouldn’t have my English degree if I did😂😂 but I love this story so much, the concept is so good!


You have an English degree!? What are you doin slumming around here? 😂 Glad you're enjoying it so far.